Explore Momence
Established in 1834, Momence is located in Kankakee County, Illinois, about 50 miles south of Chicago. It is home to approximately 3300 residents, and is a great place to live, work, and play.
Please use the list of links below to discover much of what Momence has to offer. Learn about the upcoming events and recreational opportunities, its history and historic sites, city maps and demographics, and much more.
We hope that you enjoy your "tour"!

- Upcoming Events
- Other Area Happenings
- Recreation and Festivals
- Farmers Market
- Chicago the Musical
- Graham Historical House
- Historic Sites
- History
- Momence Town Clock
- Pioneer Cabin
- City Map
- City Ward Map
- Demographics
- Downtown Master Plan
- Enterprise Zone
Events and Recreation
Historic Momence
City Maps and Demographics

- City Boards
- City Council
- City Ordinances (New)
- Financial Statements
- Meeting Minutes / Agendas
- Building Department
- City Hall
- Employment Opportunity
- Farmers Market
- Forms & Documents
- Freedom of Information Act
- Garbage Collection
- Golf Carts
- Graham Historical House
- Municipal Aggregation
- Open Meetings Amendment
- Other Local Happenings
- Overweight Truck Permits
- Pay Tickets Online
- Pay Water Bill Online
- Police Department
- Streets & Alleys
- Street Closures
- Water and Sewer
City Government