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AldermanSteele called aStreet andAlley/Water andSewer joint committeemeeting for 6:45PM to
discuss tap on fees/charges and property acquisition for thePublicWorksDepartment expansion.
Alderman Lesyna: Discuss and voteonCity ofMomence Investment Policy. This itemwas tabled at
last Council meeting because of concerns fromCity’sTreasurer. Two itemswere amended: Adding
investment policy to codebook andamending to incorporatepublic funds act. AldermanLesynamadea
motion topass an ordinance adding to theCity code theamended Investment Policy of theCity ofMomence.
AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Ordinance #788.
JeannieBlanchette stated that delinquent water billswill be published in next week’s paper (this is
done twice a year).
Scott Behrends has been approachedby businesses about the possibility of looking intogetting
permits to burn on their own property. Mayor doesn’t believe there is anything in the code book toallow
burningwith permit. Alderman JohnMetz stated that he has tree limbs andwith the possibility to burn onhis
propertywouldbe beneficial. Mayor Porter will investigate further with other communities. By ordinance
what we have now is a no burn.
Chief Cavender was out ill.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson stated she ismeetingwith auditors to finish up reports
they should be ready forDecembermeeting. Principal and interest on revenue bonds are being paid; current
rate is 7.5%, next year it will drop to 7%.
CityClerkHenson informed citizens that theConsolidatedElectionwill beheldApril 7, 2015;
nomination papers areavailable at CityHall and the filing dates areDecember 15 throughDecember 22,
2014. Completednomination petition sheets are to be notarized and turned intoMomenceCityHall and the
Statement of Candidacy form is tobe notarized and filedwith theKankakeeCountyClerk’s officewith the
receipt of filing form tobe presented upon filingwithMomenceCityHall orMomenceCityClerk. There is one
seat up for election in eachWard.
Mayor Porter remindedCouncil of upcoming dates: November 19,MayoralAssociationmeeting in
Grant Park, December 6, downtownChristmasGathering andDecember 12, CityHall Holiday/Appreciation
No executive session discussion, it is to takeplace during theWater/Sewer andStreet/Alley
Committeemeeting being held onMonday, December 1.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Meeting adjourned at 7:53P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk