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AldermanLesyna: Ordinances discussedat tonight’sOrdinancemeeting: Investment policy
amendment vs just policy as theCity has had in thepast andpossibly amending thenumber of liquor
licenses from 12 to13. To be discussedandpotentially votedonat the next Council meeting.
Discuss and voteonAlternateRevenueBondAbatement Ordinance. Annual abatement
ordinanceneeds tobepassedona yearly basis. Yes vote required to abate taxwhichwouldbepaidout
of MFTFunds. No votewouldhave citizens pay. Alderman Lesynamadeamotion topass the
ordinance regardingAlternateRevenueBondAnnual Abatement Ordinance. AldermanNovaMetz
seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting
yes. Ordinance# 786.
AldermanLesyna called aBudget andFinancemeeting for 7:15PMonNovember 3
Scott Behrends: November 2will be the endof chipping. Leaf pickupwill be ona regular basis.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson - absent
Set Trick or Treat hours for October 31
tobe from 4:30P.M. until 7:00P.M., only going tohomes
withporch lights on.
Vetoprior actionof Council. Mayor Porter stated that after actions taken at the last Council
meeting regarding raises, he hereby vetoes the recent pay increase for theCityCollector passedbyCity
Council at theCouncil meetingheldonMonday, October 6, 2014, stating that while thepay increasewas
viewedas fair compensation for thework of our CityCollector, the pay increasewould causea very
adverseandexpensive effect onCity contributions of the statemandated IMRF (IllinoisMunicipal
Retirement Fund) benefits. Mayor Porter then stated that hedoes support and recommendapay
increaseof 6% for CityCollector.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toenter intoExecutiveSession todiscuss theemployment
and compensationof specific employees of thepublic body, with thepotential of actions onmatters
discussed in closed session. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Nova
Metz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. Entered into ExecutiveSessionat 7:59P.M.;
returned fromExecutiveSessionat 8:22P.M.
AldermanDentonmadeamotion to giveCityCollector JeannineBlanchettea pay increaseof 6%
effectivewith the current pay period. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton,
NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanDentonmadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanKupferer seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. Meeting
adjournedat 8:25P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk