City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 129

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made amotion topass theTax LevyOrdinance as presented. AldermanKupferer seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting
yes. Ordinance#789.
AldermanStraley called in at this time (7:42PM). Mayor Porter requestedamotion to allow
AldermanStraley to attend themeeting via teleconference becauseof work obligations. Alderman
Kupferermade amotion toallowAldermanStraley to attend themeeting via teleconference.
AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7 ayes 0 nays . Mayor Porter
declaredAldermanStraley present. Roll was then called forAldermanStraley as present.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteonEnterpriseZoneOrdinance, resolutionwill be passed
as part of theEnterpriseZone. State is requestingall EnterpriseZone agreements to be redone.
AldermanLesynamade amotion topass anordinance regarding theEstablishment of theCity of
MomenceEnterpriseZoneand the boundaries thereof in theCity of Momence. AldermanKupferer
seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna
and JohnMetz voting yes. Ordinance # 790.
AldermanLesynamade amotion topass aResolutionAuthorizingExecution of an
IntergovernmentalAgreement Establishing theKankakeeCountyEnterpriseZone in theCity of
Momence. AldermanKupferer seconded the resolutionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution #172.
First readingof IEPA (IllinoisEnvironmental ProtectionAgency) LoanOrdinance. Ordinance
is under reviewwithCityAttorney. State of Illinois is requesting letter from attorney.
AldermanSteele stated that a jointWater/Sewer andStreet/Alleymeetingwas held tonight to
discuss possibly buildingor purchasingproperty to obtainadditional cold storage. Committee
decided toget bids together. SellingCommunityCenter has left thePublicWorkDepartment with
less storage space; information/costswill begathered tobepresented toCouncil at a later date
AldermanStraleyCalled aBudget andFinance committeemeeting for December 15 at
7:15PM to goover bills. Tax LevyOrdinanceneeds toget toKankakeeCountyClerk to have it
Scott Behrends stated that leaf pickupwill continue until it snows. Scott Behrends also
discussed the sidewalk repair at the corner of N Locust andEWashington. Planswere toplace a
watermain shutoff valve, but decided not to place a shutoff thereandwill just get the sidewalk
repaired/pouredbefore coldweather arrives.
Chief Cavendermentioned that he has anofficer in a twoweek transition academy and two
officers inweek 9of an11week academy. Property at 113NorthMarket Street has been
transferredownership to the Joliet Diocese. Stated that hehas beenworkingwith a gentleman at
704NorthDixieHighway (oldDughay property) sincemid-September, almost all junk cars are gone,
400 tires are gone and therearea few tractors/trailers remaining. MomencePoliceDepartment is to
get a percentage of KankakeeCounty court ordered cash seizure, whichwill have to beplaced ina
specific account. Chief has onematter for ExecutiveSession regarding specific personnel, not to
comeout anddobusiness.
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