Mayor Porter recommended theappointment of RitaHorn to thehistorical house board.
Ald. Kupferermade themotion to appoint RitaHorn to the board. Ald. N.Metz secondedwith
all Aldermen voting yes.
Per recommendationofMayor Porter,Ald. N.Metzmade themotion topassResolution
164AResolutionDesignating July 24 asWelcomeChicagoBearsDay in theCity of Momence.
Ald. Lesyna seconded. All Aldermen voted yes.
Ald. Kupferermade themotion to adjourn themeeting. Ald. D. Denton seconded the
motion. All Aldermen voted yes.
Council adjournedat 8:12P.M.
Margaret Clifton