City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 87

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DaleHess, MomenceCleaners. After beer tent Saturday night therewas a brawl behind local
bar. Mr. Hess is of theopinion that theMomenceCleaner shopwindowswere broken out at that
time. Hewants answers as towhy hewasn't told about hiswindows. Mayor Porter to look into
further andget backwithMr. Hess.
AldermanDenton stated that after investigation shediscovered that the surplus of City stop
lights couldbepurchased at fleamarkets for $20-$30. She then expressed concern of parkingat
thenewgolf cart business locatedat Dixie and 6
Street wasmaking it difficult to seeoncoming
traffic. It was stated that parking is allowed onDixie highway. To be looked into further.
AldermanStraley stated that the volunteers are doingawonderful job at theFarmersMarket.
Shealso thankedall the local businesses that have donatedandparticipated in themarket.
Christmas ornaments have been sold at theFarmersMarket (about 7 or 8), receivingapproximately
$500. Stop lights sales: possible silent auction or sell out right. Silent auction for somewould seem
to be time consuming. The pricewas discussed, approximately 16 stop lights at potentially $25
AldermanNovaMetz confirmednext CityCouncil meeting tobeonTuesday, September 2,
7:15PMBudget andFinanceCommitteemeetingwith 7:30PMCouncil meeting.
AldermanSteele requestedexecutive session to discuss personnel, possibly to comeout and
do business.
AldermanKupferer stated that hewas approachedby a concerned citizen regarding the
locationof themailbox outsideof thepost office onLocust Street. The citizen is concerned that
someone could easily be struck by a vehiclebecause of it's location. Suggestions: parking lot on
River street ormake the street that themailbox is located on aoneway street. Mayor Porter stated
that it is the post office's decisionwhere theywant them. AldermanKupferer to discusswith post
office. There is a stop sign on Locust Street only (at this intersection), possibly needs tobeoneon
EastWashington at Locust Street.
AldermanLesyna: First reading for anordinance regarding15minuteparking sign in front of
NAPA (WestWashingtonStreet), forMonday –Saturday 8:30AM-5:30PM.
First readingonanordinanceextending the life of theEnterpriseZone from 12/10/15 to
7/1/2016, becauseState of Illinois extended the life of that EnterpriseZone to2016.
Chief Swanson stated that carry laws for guns state that they cannot be carried at this time.
Businesses: if youdonot want hand guns carried into your business you need to post signs stating
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