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TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPetersonnone
Update onpreliminary plans for the access road regarding the closingof MapleStreet railroad
crossing. Engineers have put together preliminary plan, has been lookedover, suggestionsmade
andworkingon finalizing to get to the point of applying for grade crossinggrant.
Called for aWater andSewer committeemeeting to discussEastWashingtonStreet
infrastructureand ITEPgrant. Meetingwas scheduled for Tuesday, September 3, at 6:45PM.
CommunicationwithAldermanStraley via teleconferencewas discontinued at this time.
AldermanKupferermade amotion toenter intoExecutiveSession todiscuss personnel possibly to
comeout anddobusiness. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Nova
Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Entered intoexecutive sessionat
8:15P.M. Returned fromExecutiveSession at 8:35P.M.
AldermanSteelemadeamotion togiveScott Behrends, Director of PublicWorks, authority to
hire a full timeemployee for thePublicWorks department. Alderman JohnMetz seconded the
motionwithAldermanDenton, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferermade amotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanDenton seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
Meetingadjourned at 8:35P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk