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Saturday, December 7, from1:00PMuntil 7:00PM, inaddition toWestWashington fromDixie to
Pine closure due to small train rideand large numbers of people crossing the street in that block is a
safety concern. Alsowould likeauthorization to decorate light posts for the seasononOctober 5,
2013. AldermanNovaMetz requested that she remindbusinesses onWestWashingtonof closures.
Mrs. LeBeau InvitedCouncil toAnnualAwardMeeting/Banquet onSeptember 24, 2013. Mayor
Porter tobe recognized for his leadership.
AldermanKupferermade amotion to approveall street
closings on dates, times and locations asmentioned above and the authorization to decorate light
posts onOctober 5. AldermanStraley seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7Ayes 0Nays.
AldermanStraley thankedMayor Porter for taking care of garbage issue on Industrial Drive.
AldermanKupferer: Postmaster will consider placement of another pick upbox if Citywere to
find an acceptable place. At some point theywill be removingone fromBerkot's grocery store.
Suggested places not close enough to post office. Issuehas beendroppedas of now.
AldermanStraley called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for October 7, at 7:15PM
to go over bills.
AldermanNovaMetz: Discuss and voteonengineering for theEastWashingtonStreet
infrastructureand ITEP (IllinoisTransportationEnhancement Program) grant. ITEPgrant to do
engineering, 80% reimbursement, grant approved 1½ years ago. Sidewalks, water-mains and
sewer drains; this is the engineeringpart, surveys and designs tobedone. Infrastructure / overhaul
and street design aswell. AldermanNovaMetzmade amotion toallowmayor to fill out paperwork
for ITEPgrant for infrastructure. AldermanDenton seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton,
Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanNovaMetz requestedpermission to beon certain (Gladiolus andRt. 17, Dixie and
SecondStreet, andDixie andWashingtonStreet) intersections for LionsCandyDayDrive on
October 12, 2013, from 7:30A.M. to11:30A.M. AldermanStraleymade amotion toapprove the
LionsClubCandyDayDrive on dates, times and locations asmentionedabove. AldermanKupferer
seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7Ayes 0Nays.
Alderman JohnMetz calledExecutiveSession for personnel not to comeout anddo
business, requestedChief Swanson's attendanceat ExecutiveSession.
JeannieBlanchette reportedpositively on the training session last weekwithTyler
Technologies. Upgrade tobedone onwater billing in 2014. Mayor has informationon software
costs. Didn't goover utility billingat training, went over accounting/reconciliation system. System
was highly recommended. Will get prices and look to do something start of next fiscal year.
Computers adaptabilitywill have to be looked into.
Chief Swanson: Canine car tobe ready by theweekend. PoliceDepartment will have two
interns fromOlivet doingadministrative and ride along functions. AlsomadeCouncil/Citizens aware