City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 71

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JohnMetz voting yes.
AndrewWeybright: request to reserve the southwest corner of theparking lot onWashington
Street, west of NAPAAutoParts for saleof popcorn, snow cones andpopduring theGladiolus Festival
parades onThursday, Friday andSaturday,August 8, 9and 10. Spaceneeded is 10x10. Parking lot
(lane/rowonWashingtonStreet side) needs tobe reserved for the vendors possibly putting signs up
stating that area is reserved. AldermanCook madeamotion toapproveMr.Weybrights' request as
mentionedabove. AldermanKupferer seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith8Ayes and0Nays.
AldermanStraley called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for 7:15P.M., July 15, togo
over bills. OldunusedChristmas decorationswerediscussed topossibly auctionor see if local residents
wouldbe interested inpurchasing,maybedisplay for saleat Farmers' Market. Sales of oldChristmas
decorationswill go to the completionof newCityChristmas decorations. Also, old stop lights could
possibly goout for auction. Farmersmarket will be locatedat policeparking lot. Hours 3:30-6:30pm. A
committee is being formed. KankakeeCommunityServiceswill beat Cit Hall on July 17 from 9-11A.M.
to register/distribute senior citizens coupons, which canbeusedat any Farmers' Markets that will accept
the coupons. Market will beginon July 17, it has aFacebook pagewhichwill be linked through theCity's
AldermanNovaMetz is investigating vendors for possible postagemachineat CityHall.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon saleof surplus property. Looking toput bigboom truck
andold street sweeper out for bids; Citywould have funds onhand if able to sale this bigboom truck
now for smaller truck purchases. Downsizingandupgradingequipment. AldermanSteel madeamotion
toapproveputtingbigboom truck andold street sweeper out for bids. AldermanNovaMetz seconded
themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting
AldermanLesyna: First readingonordinance’s for contractor registration-alignedwith
surrounding communities-contractors have tobeproperly registeredand insured, saleof used cars on
personal property-defines how vehicles canbe displayed for sale in the city, residential repair of autos
and list of fines and fees-addingpenalty for sellingof vehicles onpersonal property. Amending
ordinance for Streets/Alleys department head.
Scott Behrends stated that 2½ trees camedown in the recent storm alongwithanother tree last
night onWater Street; they haveall been removed/taken careof.
Chief Swansonmentionedgolf cart complaints of under ageandnot having stickers, need lights,
flag and tobe licensed drivers. Officerswill need toaggressively goout and speak topeople. Request
from glad fest to supplyCityHall with list of peopleanda count of golf carts theywill beusing, possibly
labeling carts as glad fest committeeuseonly.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPetersonnone
Discuss and voteon re-naming theHistorical House. Housewill be repainted. Boardwas
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