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AldermanStraley called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for July 1m at 7:15P.M. to
go over bill and possibly discuss theworkingbudget.
Alderman JohnMetz: Discussed the intersection (Market andSecondStreet) that Chief
Swanson looked into. Amapwas provided for Council suggestingpainting30 feet on second street
yellowbecauseof visibility and leave the yellow zone as paintedon2 nd street just east of market,
because of the limited street parking for the residents.
AldermanStraley: Discuss and voteonAppropriationOrdinance. PublicHearingheld tonight
to discuss theAppropriationsOrdinance, whichwas published in local paper andwasmade
available for public viewing for at least 10 days. Therewere no issues or concerns from the public.
AldermanStraleymade amotion topass the2013 - 2014AppropriationOrdinance. Alderman
Kupferer seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Ordinance #762.
AldermanNovaMetz gave an updateon the garbage can situation inherWard stating there
seemed tono longer be any issues.
AldermanCook calleda Local Improvementmeetingat 6:45P.M. on July 1, todiscuss
propertymaintenance issues and resolutions.
AldermanLesyna stated therewas anOrdinanceCommitteeMeetingheld tonight. Three
ordinances arebeing reviewed: Contractor registration-meet terms by ordinance inCounty of
Kankakee, used cars sales on personal propertywith a penalty of $50 and residential repair of
autos. First reading for next Council meeting.
JeannieBlanchette: July garbage bill is increasing from$13.65 to$14.26 permonth.
FormerAlderman JackO’Brienpassed away, flowerswere sent from theCity of Momence.
MarkNelson: Replaced hydrant at River andElmStreet.
Scott Behrends: Recent storm, small limbs down, one tree fell knockingpower line out.
Battery backups at all stop lightsworkedwell, batteries heldall night. Shared responsibility of
battery cost with IDOT (IllinoisDepartment of Transportation) andKankakeeCounty.
Chief Swanson: Recent 12 hour power outage at police department disruptedpolice
department business. Looking into gettinga substantial generator to runpolicedepartment in case
of outages (for department use and for useas cooling center). July 5, therewill be a seat belt / DUI
enforcement usinggrant funds.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson-none.