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upat own risk andneeds tobeproperlymaintained. AldermanCookmadeamotion toapproveall
requests as statedabove. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley,
NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. 7Ayes 0Nays.
Mayor Porter stated that he receivedamessage fromHarold'sChicken. They areplanninga1
year anniversary gatheringwitha livebandon June21-22, in their parking lot. Business canhave
outdoor events toenticepeople to come. Theywill need toget approval formusic re: noiseordinance.
AldermanStraley reminded citizens that on July 17, KankakeeCommunityServiceswill beat City
Hall from 9-11AMdistributingFarmer'sMarket coupons to senior citizens.
Alderman JohnMetz stated that onbuildingpermit applications it stated “seeattached”, and
nothing is attached. CityHall will make sure copies areattached.
AldermanStraley: Receiveddonation to cover cost of fireworks for this year.
Discuss the2013-2014AppropriationOrdinanceandapproval of publication. AldermanStraley
stated that therewill be apublic hearingon June17, at oldCityHall at 7:00PM toelicit thepublic’s
comments, concerns andquestions regarding theappropriations ordinance. ABudget andFinance
Committeemeetingwas called for 7:15PMon June17, togoover bills. Adraft copy of theAppropriation
Ordinancewill beavailable for viewingat CityHall,Wednesday, June5. TheProgressReporter was
asked to run thenotice in thepaper for thisweek andnext weekmeeting the 10day requirement.
AldermanNovaMetz: Discuss and voteonengineering cost for theSouthSideWater line
extension. Water andSewermeetingheldonTuesday, May 28 todiscuss theEngineering contract for
theSouthSidewatermain. Locationwould be theeast sideunder the river throughGreggblvd.
Proposal fromDecember, 2012, for $176,400withdesign, construction soil boringandarcheology.
SpokewithBaxter andWoodmanand they camebackwithaproposal of $152,400. Lesynaquestioned
whether theArcheology survey shouldbedone beforeweapprove this, cannot bedone that way. This
moneywill bebuilt into a loan, comingout of depreciation fund. AldermanKupferer questionedwhether
grantswereable tobe pursued. Possibly checkwithBaxterWoodman to see if they haveany grants
that wouldhelppay for this. AldermanNovaMetz to sendmessage toBaxter &Woodman looking into
grants. AldermanNovaMetzmadeamotion toapprove theEngineeringServicesAgreement,
Geotechnical EngineeringServicesAgreement andProposal for Phase1Archeological Survey at the
cost of $152,400 for theSouthSideWater Lineextension tobepaid from thewater depreciation fund.
AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, Metz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna
and JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanNovaMetz stated that citizens inher wardareputtinggarbage cans on the side street
insteadof alley, when they haveanalley. Neighbors areupset because they arenot putting them in their
alley, which causes thegarbage collectors tohave togodown thealley andalsodown the street. Chief
Swanson to speak to residents about this. Scott Behrends stated that heprefers thegarbage to be in
thealley becauseof thewear and tear on roads.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon saleof surplus property. AldermanSteelewas absent
soMayor Porter explained this agenda item stating that theCity has surplus property/equipment that
theywould like to sell or scrap (police/codeenforcement car, 3 ton truck and forddump truck). If enough