City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 53

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carriedwith 7Ayes and 0Nays.
AldermanStraley: Farmer'smarket coupons ($21 booklet) will be distributedat the first
Farmer'smarket onWednesday, July 17, to qualified senior citizens. Locationof theFarmer's
market was discussedandwill be determinedat a later date. Roughdraft of appropriations
ordinancewas distributed, to bepassedpreferably at theend of June. Budgetswere requestedby
next Council meeting. ABudget andFinanceCommitteemeetingwas called for June 3, at 6:30PM
to go over appropriations ordinance, budgetsandbills.
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and possibly vote onpolicebusiness for executive session.
AldermanCook: DiscussNorthMapleStreet Rail Road crossingoptions. Discussed at Local
improvementmeeting tonight. Duguay estateoffered togiveCity property that would partially create
access road on north side of railroad tracks that will create dual access for citizens affectedby
Maple street closing. ICCmay pay for construction for said road through a grade crossing
protection funds grant program. Potential to tradeDuguay estate propertywith another private
citizen creatingdual access for citizens. More informationneeded: Does theCity need toown
property, what does grant cover, howmuchwill it cost tobuild the road. Mayor Porter to look into
further andprovide informationat next council meeting.
Discuss andVoteonCity’s portion of parking lot improvements. In continuation of pursuing
theMaster PlanDevelopment regarding theRiver Street southparking lot andPoliceparking lot, the
City received amatchinggrant for $4000. Estimates for completionof the theparking lot grant were
distributed. Local Improvement Committee requesting$6,500 tobeapproved for theCity to be
taken from line #104342, public property department expenditure, repairs andmaintenance.
AldermanCookmadeamotion toapprove the payment of $6,500 for theCity's portionof parking lot
improvements from line item #104342. AldermanLesyna seconded themotionwithAlderman
Denton, Straley, Kupferer, Cook and Lesyna voting yes. AldermanSteeleand JohnMetz voted no.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteon amendingan ordinance for general penalties. Adding
subsection, should police department decide to store vehicles the feewould be$30 aday.
Alderman JohnMetz questionedpersonal cars parked inpolice station. Chief Swanson stated that
parkingpersonal cars in the police station is agood thingandhedoes not have aproblemwith it
and stated that other towns dopark their cars inside. Storagewould beneeded for cars that are
from seizures. Alderman Lesynamade amotion toapprove anordinanceamending theCity of
Momence's general penalty ordinance. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAlderman
Denton, Straley, Steele, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna voting yes. Alderman JohnMetz votedno.
Ordinance #761.
Discuss and voteonamendinganordinance for list of fines and fees. Minor changesmade
on fines. AldermanLesynamade amotion topass anordinanceamendingan ordinance
concerning theCity of Momence's list of fines and fees. AldermanKupferer seconded themotion
withAldermanDenton, Straley, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Ordinance #760.
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