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Alderman JohnMetz stated that he has received complaints about citizens parking too close
to corners onMarket andSecond streetmaking it difficult to see oncoming cars. Scott Behrends
stated that there are curbs onall four corners and they arepainted yellow. Chief Swanson to review
ordinance and get back to council.
JeannieBlanchette stated that in June it will be time to raise garbage charges, whichwill take
effect on July bill. CityHall received check for the saleof the community center.
Chief Swanson stated that therewill be aK9demonstrationat DixieDaze (June 15).
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson stated that the statement has tobe corrected.
New sweeper in street and alley expense and ismeant to come out of sewer depreciation.
Corrected version to be distributed to council. Sales tax collectedwas $26,000more than year
AldermanMetz arrived at this time (7:55PM). AldermanicReport:
AldermanNovaMetz: Discuss andpossibly voteonEngineeringContract for south sidewater line.
Original estimatewas decreased. Original total $176,400 decreased to$152,400. Water and
Sewer Committeemeetingwas called for Tuesday, May 28 at 5:30PM to discuss further the
breakdown on the south sidewatermainproject andpercentages.
Discuss and voteon theResolutionon intermittent street closures for theGladiolusFestival
parades. Required by IllinoisDepartment of Transportation. AldermanStraleymade amotion to
approve the resolutionon intermittent street closures for theGladiolus Festival parades. Alderman
Kupferer seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution #163.
IDOTpermission to control signage at Routes 17and114by threeway stop. IDOT is
granting theCity temporary approval controlling signage at east side of 3way stop until awelcome
toMomence sign is built. Owners of property do not have an issuewith the signs only that they are
not removedafter theevent. Does theCitywant to be the sourcegrantingpermission for
signs/banners at this location, or let peopleplacewhat theywant up there. Consensuswas to leave
it as is and to let citizens know that it is not our jurisdiction and is subject to IDOT removing.
Placement of garbage containers at Routes 17&114. Near the far southentranceby the
bridge. Possibly placinga heavy container concreted in on the southeast side, collectingwouldbe
needed. Will look into further.
Re-appointments of Inspectors. AldermanCookmade amotion toapprove the appointment
of JonCousins asCityPlumbing Inspector, CraigKennedy asCityElectrician andDonKiger asCity
Building Inspector. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 8Ayes and0