City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 76

Chief Swanson said it is difficult tohandle someof the problems becauseof the location at the
park on the river. Mayor Porter added that theCity hasn’t experienced that kind of problem
before. PoliceChief Swanson said that if the companygave him a list of some of the things that
are neededhewill see that there is help.
Ald. Steel reported that some underage personswerewalking the streets at 12:30A.M.
Residents can call thenon-emergency phone #472-2021, push #1and thenon-emergency
dispatchwill dispatch officers to thearea.
Ald. DavidCook reported that thereare improvements beingmade in thePolice
Department parking lot andmuch is being done by volunteers.
Ald. Mark Lesyna reported that theBudget andFinanceCom.met before theCouncil
Meeting togoover the bills.
Ald. Mark Lesynamade themotion topassOrd. 767,An OrdinanceAmending an
OrdinanceConcerning theCity of Momence’sStreets/Alleys andMaintenanceDepartment
Head. Ald. Kupferer secondedwith all Aldermen voting yes.
Ald. Mark Lesynamade themotion topassOrd. 763AnOrdinanceConcerning
Registration of Contractors. Ald. N.Metz secondedwith all Aldermen voting yes.
Ald. Mark Lesynamade themotion topassOrd. 764AnOrd.Amending anOrd.
ConcerningRepair of Vehicles onCityProperty andResidential Areas. Ald. Denton seconded
themotionwith all Aldermen voting yes.
Ald. Mark Lesynamade themotion topassOrd. 765AnOrdinanceAmending an
OrdinanceConcerningVehicles for Sale. Ald. Kupferer seconded themotionwithall Aldermen
voting yes.
Ald. Mark Lesynamade themotion topassOrd. 766AnOrdinanceAmending an
OrdinanceConcerning theCity of Momence’s List of Fines. Ald. Denton seconded themotion.
All Aldermen voted yes.
PoliceChief Swanson reported that Director of PublicWorks, Scott Behrends, dealt with
a homelessmanat theMomence IslandPark. PoliceChief Swanson reported that the canine
car was in an accident so it is in repair at present.
Director of PublicWorks, Scott Behrends, reported that theCity has extended the yellow
lines by the school at SecondStreet andMarket Street.
TheCity has received a letter fromEllenRehmer asking for noparking at certain times
on 4
St. on thenorth side of the school building. Director of PublicWorks, Scott Behrends, will
get signsmadeand therewill be an ordinanceworked out by the next Council Meeting
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