(A)All fencing shall be finishedon the side facing a public right-of-wayor adjacent
(B)All fencing shall conform to the FencingOrdinance. No fencingor barriers shall be
constructedout ofm
aterials such as, but not limited to, plywood, particleboard, sheet
metal, concrete slabs,
snow fencing, temporary construction style fencing
livestock, or
wire fencing
(A) It is unlawful for anyperson to erect ormaintainwithin theCity, any electric fence or
any fence constructed inwhole of barbedwire.
(B) It is unlawful for anyperson to erect ormaintainwithin theCity, any fence
constructed inwhole or in part of razorwire.
© Barbedwire shall be permitted for securitypurposes for permitted agricultural,
temporary construction sites, commercial, or industrial uses; provided, that the barbed
wire is located six feet (6') ormore above grade.
(A) Every fence orwall will bemaintained in a condition of reasonable repair and shall
not be allowed to become and remain in a condition of disrepair, damage, or
unsightliness, or constitute a nuisance, public or private. Any such fence orwall, which
is, or has become, dangerous to the public safety, health orwelfare, or has become
unsightly through impropermaintenance or neglect is a public nuisance and the code
enforcement officer shall commence proper proceedings for the abatement thereof. Any
wall, or a portion of anywall, which is removed for anypurpose or by anymeans
whatsoever, shall be restored to its original or upgraded condition relative to construction,
material and finishwhenever exposed to any street or any adjoiningproperty.
4-8-6: PENALTY:
Anypersonwho violates anyprovision of this chapter shall be subject to the general
penalty as provided in this code (1-4-1-A).
The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed separable
and the invalidityof anyportion of this ordinance shall not affect the validityof the
: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage,
adoption, and publication as required by law.
Passed by theMayor and theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois, this 1
ofOctober, 2012.