City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 75

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Chief will meet with them, give them a timedeadline, put it inwriting, if doesn’tmeet, will issue
citations. Company has cameras inplaceat this time for surveillance.
Discuss and voteonnewhire for PublicWorksDepartment. ShawnKingwas recommended,
Council will hire him for Street andAlley/Water andSewer Departments, effective datewould be this
Wednesday, July 8, at $13anhour. AldermanSteelemade amotion tohireShawnKingas stated
above. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer,
Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. AldermanNavratil passed.
AldermanLesyna: First readingon downtown sidewalk diningordinance. Thiswas
discussedat tonight’s ordinancemeeting. End of diningpotentially to be changed to 10:00P.M.
First readingonordinance regulating size andweight of vehicles. OnFranklinStreet, semis
toSilva, does not involve any streets on thewest side of Silva. Themoneymade from this
ordinance needs tobe kept for road repairs and general fund (for trainingandequipment). Chief
statedhewould like towait a year before thismoneywould be allocated. An Intergovernmental
Agreementmay also be requiredwithKankakeeCounty. It was stated that funds need tobe tagged
for roads. It was stated that, administratively, therewill be a lot of work to run this
ordinance/program. Signswill be on the streets showing truckswhere they cannot go. Grain trucks
runningon south sideoperationwas questioned. Estimate of revenue is not readily available. Chief
stated that amajority of the funds collectedwill go to road repairs. Pass the ordinance, as is, and
potentially addother streets as neededand seewhere the funds areat that time. Permits through
policewebsite, thenpaid throughGovPay, theChief can supply numbers in 3-6months.
Scott Behrends stated that RedskinNation is going to repaint the tomahawks that are located
on streets that lead up to the schools. Southside issue, PublicWorks isworkingon, until water
goes away, they cannot get in sewers. They learned thatmost of thewater is froma field tile that
runsmiles out of town, which has createda lot of thewater problems on the south side of town.
Clear water is coming into sanitary sewers. Mayor Porter stated that oncewater level is down the
Citywill be able to investigatewith cameras. Investigation needs tobe done. Field tile is possibly
plugged outsideof City limits.
Chief Cavender stated that on June 10, thePolice building took a lightning strikewith $15,000
in damage: Control panel for the generator at a cost of about $3,000; Telephonebackup system
(fried the battery poweringwhat comes into the building). Therewas also an issuewith one
computer, Breathalyzermachine andDVR video surveillance throughout thebuilding. Chief was
given verbal permission toorder equipment from insurance. Thiswill all be covered by insurance
company. Fireworksworked out verywell, no disturbances. PoliceContract expired onApril 30.
Agreed toall proposed changes. Signedoff and tentatively agreed on everything. Hopefully no
legal cost toCity. Contract is tobeavailable at next meeting for approval.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson –absent.
Discuss and vote on ITEP (federal money) /IDOTResolution confirmingappropriated funds
for EastWashingtonStreet improvement. This is anongoingprocesswith Intergovernmental
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