City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 29

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thatmachines areeverywhere now, competition is different, gaminghas changeda lot and liquor
margins have dropped considerably. Gaming is still a part of the liquor establishment. Pie is small
so every single piecemakes adifference. Mr. Sokol thankedCouncil for their time.
AldermanKupferer called aPoliceCommitteemeeting forApril 7 at 7P.M. todiscuss
Alderman JohnMetz brought uppreviousPoliceChief Swanson's recent allegations. Mayor
Porter stated that theCity is not involved in the allegations.
AldermanStraley: Mayor Porter requested theCityClerk to open bids for the2013-2014
through 2015-2016 audit. Two bidswere opened. LouKarrision, LLC, bidded as follows: $10,575,
$10,775and $11,000. The next bidwas fromGroskreutz, Schmidt,Abraham, Eshleman and
Gerretseas follows: $10,400, $10,600and$10,800. AldermanKupferermadeamotion toapprove
the3 year contract fromGroskreutz, Schmidt,Abraham, EshlemanandGerretse for $10,400,
$10,600and $10,800. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanCook: Discuss and vote onClockTower project and financing. Local improvement
meetingheld tonight regarding recommendation for fundingof town square park. AldermanCook
made amotion toauthorize expenditure not to exceed$15,676.54 formaterial purchased for the
town square from line item: PublicProperty, #104342. Available balance in fund is $26,330.
AldermanDenton seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna
and JohnMetz voting yes. AldermanSteele voted nodue to lack of bidding.
AldermanLesyna: First readings of three ordinances: Golf Cart registration: changed
language to clarify that registrationwill be at police department at adesignated time or by
appointment. Chief Cavender asked to include languageadding recreational nonhighway vehicles:
ATVs, 4wheelers; all will have to follow certain requirements. New stickers have beenordered.
Clarification of gators being toowide andoff road vehicles to be includedwas discussed. Alderman
Lesyna toprovide updates. Parkingduring snow removal: this ordinance has language tobe
changed regarding clarificationof parkingduring snow removal times. Fifteenminuteparkingon
theeast side of Dixie on the corner of Dixie andWashington. This ordinance consists of time limit
stating15minuteparking from7:30AM-4:30PM, Monday throughSaturday.
Discuss and voteonClass F Liquor License, $800 sameasClassA, C andD. Class F
license shall authorize retail saleof alcoholic beverages, not soldacross thebar. Maximum of 1
class F license. If youare not serving liquor then games have tobe shut off. ClassF foodwas
questioned: They have tobeable to serve food andwhat food sales constituteof was questioned.
Manteno is laundrymat, corner tap and gambling. ClassA license is 6AM-2AM. Sunday begins at
11AM. AldermanDenton is unsureof votebecauseof rebuttal tonight, possibly tableand voteonat
next meeting, tobe investigated further. AldermanLesyna madeamotion to tableproposed
ordinance until nextmeeting. AldermanDenton seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7Ayes
and0Nays. Licenseper businesswas questioned alongwithwhether a laundromat is a supporting
establishment. Tobediscussed/clarifiedwithCity's lawyer.
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