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toexceed$19,000, to comeout of water, sewer andgeneral fundand includes purchaseof computers,
not toexceed$2000. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
Budget andFinance committeemeetingwas called for 7:15PMonTuesday, March4.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon theMediacom franchise fee contract. Contract length
was questioned-potentially three years. Revenue receivedat 2%was at $5,000per year and at 5%
revenuewill go to$14,000per year. AldermanSteelemadeamotion toapprove the5% franchise fee
contract withMediacom. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, Nova
Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook and JohnMetz voting yes. AldermanLesyna votedno.
AldermanCook: Discuss and voteon supporting theGeneral Development planwith funding and
participation. Local Improvement Committeemet andwas presentedwithaplan involving local business
owners, Chamber of Commerce,MainStreet Momence and theCity of Momence. Looking for $1,500
from theCity of Momence. Theneed for downtown sidewalks being fixedwas discussed. This
contribution is for initial work for theorganizational development plan. Potentially could fundhuge
infrastructureprojects. Committeewithworkwith theCounty toobtain informationanduseCounty
resources andCountymanpower. Hopefully toobtaingrantmonies also. Proposal was toproduceplan.
LakotaGroupplanwas clarifiedas tool for direction togoand toget grants. Committeeparticipantswill
goout andget businesses topotentially attract them toMomence. Monies committedhavebeen$1,000
fromMainStreet Momence, withpotentially $1,000 fromChamber of Commerce. Mayor Porter stated
that whenpresenting grants coalition is needed. Initial phase requires $3,500. Momencedoesn't
participate verywell according toMayor Porter; theCity needs tobe involvedas aGovernment. The
City's involvement pullsmoreweight. AldermenStraley stated that businesses bring revenueand
revenue run this town. KankakeeCounty has a softwareprogram that generates reports (inputting
numbers, traffic etc) that can supply up todate information. This is anactionagenda. TheChamber of
Commerce is involved in spirit and has not pledgedmonies yet. This couldgoon formany years, start
generatinggrantmoney topay for several things. Theproposed focuswasDixieHighway and the
downtown, northof downtown, vacant properties, out of town to thenorthof city limits. Thedowntown
areawas discussed, beinghighest traffic and still needing improvement. This plan is thenext logical
step. TheDixie corridor is adescriptionof theareaandboundaries of thearea that thegroup is looking
at. Lookingat theCity to take a leadership role ineconomic development. Issue iswanting to include
thewholeCity, not havingboundaries. Mayor Porter explained that this committee/plan cannot improve
property that is not theCity's property. Fixing/addingbusinesses could lead tomorepeople living in
Momence. Parameters: this phaseof the study theywant to start the first year on theDixie corridor and
thedowntown - improving that corridor wouldbeprogress. WorkingwithMikeVanMill is very beneficial
and this plan/committeewouldbenefit byworkingwithhim.
AldermanCookmadeamotion toapprove theCity participating in theGeneral Development plan
with fundingandparticipationat apriceof $1500 ($500 from landeconomic development-public property
#104355, $1000 from contingencies-local improvement), contingent uponMainStreet andChamber of
Commercemakingdonations also. AldermanLesyna seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton,
Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna voting yes.AldermanSteeleand JohnMetz votedno.
Discuss and voteon increasing thenumber of liquor licenses. Tabled to review further.
AldermanLesyna called anOrdinanceCommitteeMeeting for Tuesday, March4, 2014, at
7:00P.M. todiscuss 15minuteparking in thedowntownarea on theeast sideof DixieHighway and
changing language inordinance regardingparkingonCity streets following snow.