City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 21

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JeannieBlanchette: Watermeter reader is not able toget tometers becauseof snow. Tyler
Technologies is possibly able toestimate readers basedon90%of lastmonths usage for thismonth
only. Watermeter reader will readwhat he can get tobut Citymay need todoestimationonothers.
Chief Cavender: Distributedpolice report and stated that Sheriffs department has rolledout New
WorldSoftware for dispatchand reporting systemwithout ahitch. Officer submitted resignation: Thomas
Tomopoulos. Officers doingwalk in shift every night at bars.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson - none
Discuss and voteon theU.S. Cellular groundand tower lease. City has ground leasewhich
started in2006at $1,250 leasingproperty onRiver street. Currentmonthly fee is $1,492, approximately
$17,800 for one year lease. Sprint wants to sublet this property. City has toapprove this per the
contract. Mayor Porter would likeCouncil toallow them to sublet fromSprint. Existing leasewithU.S.
Cellular. U.S. Cellular does not want out of lease. Sprint is going to install their own technology into the
tower. It was discussedwhy there is aneed for a “middleman”. Sprint wants to sublet throughU.S.
Cellular. Alderman JohnMetzmadeamotion tomakeanamendment to the contract andapprove the
groundand tower lease for U.S. Cellular with theattorney lookingover the contract. AldermanKupferer
seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand
JohnMetz voting yes.
Discuss and voteonapproval of CateringLicense for Border TownPub Inc. Tabled.
Discuss and vote onappointment ofAdjudicationOfficer. Start date is still undetermined. Need
toappoint ahearingofficer. JimRowe's cost wouldbea flat feeof $400per hearingandwould include
judgments that aremadewithpaperwork handledproperly. Therewouldbe twohearings permonth.
Additional expenseswouldbe: policeofficer present, clerk/clerical staff duringhearings, printingof
forms, softwareexpenses andmiscellaneous cost. First and thirdWednesday of themonthor second
and fourthTuesday of themonth. Timeswere alsodiscussed. For criminal offenses, they have tobe
there.A representative canbe sent for other offenses. Probably about 75-100amonth; not every single
oneof themwill go toa hearing. Truckweigh issues/situationswerediscussed. AldermanCookmadea
motion toappoint JimRoweasAdjudicationOfficer at a rateof $400per hearing. AldermanKupferer
seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand
JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanDenton seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting
yes. Meetingadjourned at 8:58P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk
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