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First readingonamending conflictingportions of the liquor regulations. Anordinanceamending
theCity of Momence's liquor regulation's ordinance. Several conflicts. Ordinance last passed in1984.
In2005, codebookswere reviewed, nothingwas suggestedabout liquor regulations. Current Liquor
Licenseswill expireonApril 30. Nextmeeting,April 21, pass this ordinanceonanemergency basis, 6
votes areneeded. Council needs todiscuss fully andunderstand the changes in this ordinance. Q)
Doesn'tmentionanowner, will addowner. 3-2-16: Changeof location. Removing so it will just have
first sentence. 3-2-18: ConsumptiononPremises. Tobe repealed. 3-2-27: LicensedPremises.
Repeal “andno licensee shall engage inmore thanonebusiness at any licenses premises”. Liquor fees
due in full onMay 1
. AldermanDenton stated shewill call intonext Council meetingbecauseof work
Alderman JohnMetz receiveda call from a concerned citizen regarding thedriveway comingout
of Berkots; there areno stop signs there. Chief Cavender to contact appropriatepeople tohandle.
MarkNelson: flushing hydrants thisThursday, 9AM-3PM. Next week, high school will be touring
the sewer plant.
Scott Behrends: chippingbrushwill start tomorrow; leaf pickup towards theendof theweek.
Chief Cavender: Distributed report. Gold cart registration/inspection to beheldApril 26, 9AM-
12PMandApril 27, 12PM-3PM, thenonanas neededbasis after that. Applicationandequipment
checklist onCity'swebsite, citizens need to fill out statement of ownershipandapplication form before
coming to registration. Onematter for ExecutiveSession.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson. Financial statements still not ready.
Closed sessionmeeting togoover ExecutiveSessionminuteswas scheduled tobeheldafter
next CityCouncil meeting.
Proclamation forApril: ChildAbusePreventionMonth. Mayor Porter read theproclamationand
declaredApril asChildAbusePreventionMonth.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toenter intoExecutiveSession todiscuss personnel possibly
to comeout anddobusiness. AldermanDenton seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley,
NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. ExitedRegular Session at
8:07P.M. Returned toRegular Sessionat 8:38P.M.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanDenton seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting
yes. Meetingadjourned at 8:38P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk