City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 42

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Question is, whenwere the bids opened andwho opened them; who isBC systems andwhere are
they located. Mayor Porter stated that proposalswere sought out from two companies: BC
Systems, which is located inBourbonnais andGasvoda, which is located inWill County. Theywere
not sealedbids, theywereproposals; therewas no illegality of seekingbids, this is a choice
municipalities have. Mr. Kerouac questionedwhenCouncil voted togo out for proposals. Mayor
Porter stated proposal was sought. Mr. Kerouac statedwhether it would behoove anymunicipality
to go out for competitive bids, it eliminates potential problems and questions. Mayor Porter stated
work needed is specific and reputable companieswere contacted. Bidding is not requiredby law,
per StateStatue. Six votes are needed toaccept PublicWorks proposals.
AldermanSteele stated that Class F liquor licenseneeds to incorporate the$300 fee to sell
alcohol onSunday like all other businesses that operate the samehave topay. Class FLiquor
License is tobe revised to reflect the$300 charge. Ordinance clarification question: States that
ordinance has to be “posted” inCity hall. Right now it is available for public inspection inbooklet
format CityHall andare postedon theCity'swebsite. AldermanSteele stated that if anordinance
states it is to be posted, then it needs to be posted. AldermanSteelealso stated that the other
materials from various vendors regardingBill Gilbert ClockTower Parkwere not to come fromArt's
Landscaping. It was clarified that threedifferent vendors providedmaterials.
AldermanNovaMetz stated that theCity has received thepermit for thewatermain to the
south sideof Momence. Discuss and vote on contract for sludge pumpup-grade: proposals from
previousCityCouncil meetingwere over 30days old two newproposalswere obtained. Gasavoda:
$206,264 (switchwas added). BCSystems, Inc., (Purchases parts fromGasavoda): Price
increased to$203,500 (differencewas in labor, and $3,400more for thepumps). AldermanNova
Metzmadeamotion toapproveBCSystems Incorporated for sludge pumpproject upgrades at
$203,500. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook
andLesyna voting yes. Council had tohave 6 votes. AldermanSteele and JohnMetz voted no.
Mayor Porter stated that if proposals are sought, proposals can beacceptedwith a2/3 vote. MFT
(Motor Fuel Tax) bids are a separate taxation, we cannot useMFTmoneywithout IDOTapproving
its use. We can useCity fundswith 2/3Aldermenapproval. City of Momence is not boundby the
same requirements asMFT.
AldermanSteele stated that therewas aStreet andAlleymeeting tonight regarding the
purchase of a leaf vacuum. Fundswill be utilized from next year's budget. To be discussed and
voted onat next Council meeting.
AldermanCook: Materials have started to arrive for theBill Gilbert ClockTower Park
renovations, under constructiononceweather cooperates. Called aLocal improvement Meeting for
6:30PMonMay 5, todiscussEastWashington engineeringand theprospect for aTIF (Tax
Increment Financing) District.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteon amendingLiquor regulations. Making changes to
the liquor regulations. Affects all liquor licenses. Ordinancewas discussedat last council meeting.
Current ordinance states that you can only sell liquor. City is nowaware that it iswrong. Alderman
Lesynamade amotion topass anordinanceamending theCity of Momence's liquor regulation's
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