City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 50

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meetingKerouac stated heasked simple question, He hadnever heard of BC systems. Told the
companywas fromBourbonnais. Kerouac looked in phone book; not there. Went to county clerk,
and told that BCSystems is located inBourbonnais, this is a residence. The owner isBrian
Scheppler, . Kerouac’s question: HowdidCity find this business? Mayor informed him that
Scheppler is themayor’s brother in lawwho hasworked for the city onnumerous occasions;
specifically televising sewer lines onGladiolaand repairs on theMPS building.Also that Scheppler’s
sonworked forMomencePacking. Kerouac touted theexpertise of Mr. Diamond, CityAttorney, who
is an authority onmunicipal lawandwrote the IllinoisMunicipal Handbook. Kerouac read two
paragraphs out of municipal handbook regarding contracts. Kerouac opposes acceptingany
estimates or proposalswithout havingput the sludge pumpwork out for bid. Kerouacwas informed
again that Municipal code, written byMr Diamond, allows contracts to forgo the bid process and can
be acceptedby a 2/3 voteof all council members. TheCity has 8 council members. Therefore to
accept a contract, 6 votesmust be in favor. The lastmeetinghadonly 5 favorable votes.
AldermanNovaMetzmade amotion for reconsiderationof the contract proposal to bemade
by an absentmember from the last meeting. AldermanLesyna seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Straley, NovaMetz, Kupferer, Cook and Lesyna voting yes. AldermanSteele votedno.
AldermanLesyna read reconsiderationmotion for clarification.
AldermanSteele stated that Council votedonClassD liquor license forMomencePizza
Company at last Council meeting, needs to be corrected to includeClassB. Mayor Porter stated
that it will be voted on later during thisCouncil meeting.
AldermanNovaMetz: Discuss and voteon contract for sludge pump up-grade. At last
Council meeting, sludge pumpupgradewas voteddown by a 5 – 2 votewith 1Aldermanmissing.
Would like the acceptance of the sludge pump repairs/upgrades tobe reconsidered.
AldermanStraleymade amotion to accept the proposal fromBCSystems in the amount of
$203,250. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz,
Kupferer, Cook and Lesyna voting yes. AldermanSteele votedno. Acceptancepassedby a 6 yes –
1 no tally. AldermanStraley called aBudget andFinanceCommitteeMeeting forMonday,May 19,
at 7:15PM to goover bills.
Newhousing incentivewas discussed. Local resident and realtor Ray Simpson is looking
into seekingnewhousing incentive, potentiallywaivingbuildingpermits or water and sewer tap on
fees. Mr. Simpsonwill be asked toattenda futuremeetingbringingmore information.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon leaf vacuum leasepurchase. For 3 years, lease
would be $9,545.61a year. AldermanSteelemademotion to purchase leaf vacuum,Alderman
NovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook
andLesyna voting yes.
AldermanSteelebrought up issues regarding vehicles getting citations at businesses, stating
that a business is separate than residential, but no difference in code book. Every vehicle in
mechanical shop doesn't run. Suggests theordinance needs tobe changed. According to
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