City of Momence - 2014 Agendas & Minutes - page 51

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ordinance, abandoned, wrecked vehicles, cannot sit onpublic or privateproperty. Steele states that
repair businesses should be exempt fromordinance. Other business, have several vehicles on
property getting salvage titles. A fewhave been droppedoff andhave set their formonths andare
inoperable. Several pictureswere shown. AldermanMetz, question is if it runs or has insurance
how can it be ticketed? He states the ordinance doesn't separate dealership. Chief Cavender
stated that hehas personallyworkedwith both businesses in question stating complianceover fines.
AldermanCook: Local Improvementmeetingheld tonight committeediscussed the
engineeringportion of EastWashington sewer/water improvements, gatheringmore informationand
will acquire a better price of engineering. Discussedpossibility of introducingTIF district, schedule
subsequentmeeting to learnmore.
AldermanLesyna stated that the recent issuewith the postingof ordinances has been
clarifiedand thewayCouncil is handling thepostingof anordinance is correct, but to ensure that
thewording is no longer questioned, the language stated on the certificate attached to anordinance
will be updated/changed.
First readingupdating liquor regulations. This is anordinanceamending various sections of
the liquor regulations. Ordinance committeewas held tonight and the committee discussed vehicle
parkingon residential lawns. Talked about administrative towing fees, ongoingdiscussion. Called
OrdinanceCommitteemeeting for 6:45PM, May 19, todiscuss newordinance.
MarkNelson stated that he receivedEPApermit for southwatermain under the river;
Engineers need to finish somework before it can go out for bid.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson. - none
Discuss and vote onMayoral appointments. Reappoint as follows: JeannieBlanchette as
CityCollector, JefferyCavender asPoliceChief, MarkNelsonasSuperintendent ofWater and
Sewer, Scott Behrends asSupt of PublicWorksDept &Streets andAlleys, LisaWoganas the
Representative to theKankakeeCountyConvention&VisitorsBureau, JamesRowe asCity of
MomenceAdjudicationOfficer, BobBleyle as theRepresentative to theAnnual ChristmasDinner
Board, CityAttorney: Stewart Diamond andGregMathews ofAncil Glink.AttorneyMichael Parish
assigned to special counsel, andother assignments as directedby theCity and theCity attorney.
Reappoint: DonKiger asBuilding Inspector, JonCousin asPlumbing Inspector andCraigKennedy
asElectrical Inspector. AldermanKupferermadeamotion to approveMayoral appointments as
listed above. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, NovaMetz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna voting yes.
Reappoint as follows: ConradParkBoard: KirstenBishir , Kay Laue, BeckyPeterson, David
Cook, RonHess, BettyDionne. Historical HouseBoard: SusieButterfield, Nancy LibertyPorter,
RitaHorn, RobBisher, Rick Byrne, Jill Lincoln. CityTreeBoard: DavidCook, Linda Lund, Rich
Laue, FranLebeau, Paul Bradley. AldermanKupferermade amotion toapproveMayoral
appointments as listedabove. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton,
Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook and Lesyna voting yes.
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