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AldermanNovaMetz: Vote to reject all bids for resurfacingGladiolabecauseof adefect in the
advertisement requirement. AldermanNovaMetzmadeamotion to reject all bids for resurfacing
Gladiolabecauseof adefect in theadvertisement requirement. AldermanDenton seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
Request amotion toaccept thewrittenproposal fromGallagherAsphalt without thebidding
process, whichwas not advertised correctly according toordinance (3weeks needed). CityAttorney
DiamondStewart was emailed for clarification. Because theworkwas put out for bid, publicationwas
required to run for 3weeks of advertising, however it didnot. Per attorney, proposals, without
advertising, canbeacceptedwitha2/3rds vote. DixonEngineering's requests for proposals forWater
Tower repairs andpaintingwerenot placed ina newspaper; therefore it wasn’t placed for bid. It was
sent to companies seekingproposals. JohnMetz questionedwhyCouncil isn’t gettingbids on
everything. Per State statute, advertising for bids is not requiredand council canaccept publicworks
proposalswitha2/3rds vote. Steelequestioneddifferencebetweenproposal andbid. Proposal is a
specific cost for thework beingdone. Bid canbedefined the same, however, it is theplacement of
advertising thatmakes thedifferencebetweengoing throughabidprocess vs acceptingproposals.
AldermanNovaMetzmadeamotion toaccept thewrittenproposal fromGallagherAsphalt without the
biddingprocess, whichneeds 2/3of the vote. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteonpurchaseof 2MotorolaRadios for policedepartment,
whichwas discussedat last Council meeting. Chief originally askedCouncil to let policedepartment
purchase12 radios at ½ pricewitha savings of $40-$50,000 to theCity. In3-4 years therewill bea
changeat Kan-Comm. Theseareneeded tobe purchased for officer safety anda cost savingmeasure
for City of Momenceand citizens. Chief secureddonation from local company topurchase10 of these
radios and is askingCityCouncil for permission topurchase twomoreat $5,513; totaling12 radios for
thepolicedepartment. They are compatiblewith current systemwehavenowandwill be compatible
withKan-Com in the future. Policedepartment is seekingadditional two radios at a cost of $5,513.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion topurchase2MotorolaRadios for thepolicedepartment from line
item purchase leaseat amount of $5,513. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenNavratil,
NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes. AldermanDentonpassed.
Present and voteonPoliceUnionContract. Changes that weremadewerenot highlightedwhich
AldermanSteele found confusing. AldermanDentonandKupferer were included in the contract
negotiations. Dentonwas concernedwithno changes for thepolicedepartment regarding insurance
andpotential that last year of contract there couldbean increase. Personnel pay 12%of their
insurance. City has tentatively agreedon the contract. Unionhas ratified theagreement. If Council
chooses not toagreeor accept, a labor lawyer will need tobe involved. City has tentatively agreed to
contract language. If not accepted, this couldpotentially go toarbitration. Chief stated that therewere
very few issues in this contract; pay increase is 10%over 3 years. Insurance is the samewithno
increasenext year. In the third year, theCitymay absorb the increase in health insurance. Chief went
over theunion contract changes for theCouncil. Shift changes,may bewithChief approval. Comp time
was reduced to80 hours; comp timepayout was ended (will be rolledover withamaximum of 80hours).
Vacation (nothing changed). Holiday/Personal days (nothing changed). Sick Leave: put in steps to
better protect City in caseof abuse. Discipline section: no changes. Uniform allowance: Part time
officers areprovidedwithuniforms. Full timeofficers get $700onanapproval basis topurchase items.
City is required topurchase vests for officers per law. Part timeofficers aremembers of bargaining
agreement but only per financial aspect of bargainingagreement, nogrievance. Economic issueswere
insuranceandpay scale. Insurance increase in third year is anticipated tobean insignificant amount. 2
of the3 years therewill beno increase. GabeCaliendo is thenewUnion representative. Alderwoman
Metz stated theunion contract expiredApril 30 of 2015, negotiations started in January. Shewould like
to see contracts get settledbefore they expire. Notmanymunicipalities settlebefore they expire.
AldermanSteeleaskedhow theCity signedoff on it. Tentativeacceptancewas byDenton, Kupferer,