City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 100

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Porter andCavender. AldermanKupferermadeamotion toaccept thePoliceUnionContract. Alderman
Lesyna seconded themotion. Contract was acceptedwithAldermenDenton, Kupferer, Cook, and
Lesyna voting yes. Alderman JohnMetz abstaining. AldermanNavratil passing. AldermenNovaMetz
andSteele votingno.
AldermanLesyna: First reading IllinoisAttorneyGeneral mandatedpublic participation
ordinance. BasedonManteno’s ordinancewhich followswhat attorney general ismandating. Council
discussed citizen forum tobe5minutes; consensus nowwas to change citizen forum to3minutes.
First readingAmendingLiquor LicenseOrdinance as per CityAttorney. Changesweregiven to
Council Members to review.
First readingConsolidatingPlanningCommissionandZoningBoardofAppeals as per City
Attorney. For efficiency purposes, combining thepowers tooneboard. Only oneAlderman tobeon
Chief Cavender: Met withMarathonPipeline, ahuge stepwasmade inplanningof the
emergency responseplan.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson –Cash transaction report was distributed.
Discuss and voteonupdatedpreliminary engineering services agreement and resolution for
federal participation in ITEP (IllinoisTransportationEnhancement Program). Onemore requirement with
ITEP funding for EastWashington, whereCity agrees topay 20%on this project. Last piece regarding
engineeringportionof project. Resolution toappropriate$13,600 towardpreliminaryEngineering costs.
Lookingat work taking place in spring of 2016.
AldermanCookmadeamotion toapproveupdatedpreliminary engineering services agreement
and resolution for federal participation in ITEP
AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toenter intoExecutiveSession todiscuss personnel with the
potential of actions onmatters discussed in closed session. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
Entered intoExecutiveSessionat 8:35P.M.; returned fromExecutiveSessionat 8:40P.M.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanDenton seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz
voting yes. Meetingadjourned at 8:40P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk
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