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the recent code enforcement letters. Mayor Porter assuredhim that is in the hands of thePolice
AldermanNavratil hada code enforcement issue brought to her attention regardingahouse
onFourthandElmwhere grass is overgrown. Chief Cavender stated it has beenmowed by theCity
and thepoliceareworkingwith thedaughter to find out who is responsible for the house. If theCity
mows a lawn a $100CityOrdinance fine is given. Policeare keepingan eye onall propertieswith
lawn issues.
AldermanNovaMetz discussed the recentWater andSewer committeemeeting, Dixon
engineering is gettingbids together for thewater tower by thehigh school which includedgetting
“City of Momence” paintedon thewater tower and the tower itself potentially beingpaintedwith a
red stemandwhite on the round.
AldermanCook held aLocal Improvement meetingonMay 11 to discuss apotential TIF
district for theCity of Momence. Several TIFpeoplewere invited as towhether it is advantageous
for theCity.
AldermanDenton called aBudget andFinanceCommitteeMeeting for June1at 7:15p.m.
Alderman JohnMetz had a request fromPearson’sBakery onDixieHighway for a 15minute
parking sign tobe installed. Hours tobe looked into further; customers fromdown the street are
parking in front of this business. Also, there is a property onhighway and anold restaurant where
grass has not beenmowed all year. Both itemswill be looked into further.
JeannieBlanchette thankedCouncil for the retirement party stating that it was verymuch
appreciated. Shealso stated that thisCouncil has come together verywell and shewishedTina
Demack thebest.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson stated that theendof the fiscal year
accountingwill be donewithin theweek.
AldermanDentonmade amotion to adjourn themeeting. AldermanLesyna seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz
voting yes. Meetingadjourned at 7:50P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk