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ADAcompliance issue is being looked into at Dixie/Washington intersection. The street lights that
were out onDixie have been spliced and fixed.
Chief Cavender stated that thegolf cart andnon-highway vehicle registration and inspections
are tobedone theendof May ($25 fee, applications are availableonline). Current stickers are
good until May 31, 2015.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson, endof fiscal yearApril 30, 2015, workingon
gettingbooks closed, to bedonewithin next week.
MAYORALREPORT -Mayor Porter requested the followingappointments:
Appointment of Budget andFinanceCommittee: Chairman, DiannDenton,AldermenNova
Metz, Mark Lesyna andRichKupferer. Streets andAlleysCommittee: Chairman, ChuckSteele,
AldermenCarrieNavratil, DavidCook and JohnMetz. PoliceCommittee: Chairman, RickKupferer,
AldermanDiannDenton, ChuckSteele andMark Lesyna. Local Improvement: Chairman, David
Cook,AldermenNovaMetz, DiannDentonandMark Lesyna. Ordinance/ZoningCommittee:
Chairman, Mark Lesyna,AldermenCarrieNavratil, NovaMetz andRichKupferer. Water andSewer
Committee: Chairman, NovaMetz,AldermenCarrieNavratil, RichKupferer and JohnMetz.
AldermanLesynamade themotion toaccept Council Committees appointments as statedabove.
AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermanNavratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Appointment of Scott Behrends toSuperintendent of PublicWorks,MarkNelson to
Superintendent ofWater/Sewer and Jeff Cavender toChief of Police all at current salaries and full
insurancebenefits andTinaDemack toCityCollector at 40,000/year annual salary and full
insurancebenefits. AldermanKupferermade amotion to accept appointments as statedabove.
AldermanLesyna seconded themotionwithAldermanNavratil, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna voting
yes andAldermanNovaMetz, Steele and JohnMetz votingno.
With seven council members in
attendanceand five votes necessary for approval, by statute, Mayor voted yes. Appointmentswere
Appointment was requestedof DonKiger asBuilding Inspector, JohnCousinasPlumbing
Inspector andCraigKennedy asElectrician Inspector. AldermanCookmadeamotion to accept
reappointments as stated above. Alderman Lesyna seconded themotionwithAldermanNavratil,
NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Appointment of CityTreeBoard: DavidCook, Rich Lauae, BettyDionne, Linda Lund, Paul
Bradley andFran Lebeau. ConradParkBoard: KirstenBishir, Kay Laue, BeckyPeterson, Betty
Dionne, RonHess andDavidCook. GrahamHistorical House: SherrieBraswell, TerrySpencer,
DanaNunamaker, Nancy LibertyPorter, RickByrne and Jill Lincoln. ZoningBoard ofAppeals:
Chairman: Steve Lund, Clerk: AnnDionne, LindaKraus, ShannonDemack, BrianSchnepf, Steve
Gross andDiannDenton. PlanandZoneCommission: Chairman: Steve Lund, LindaKrause,
BrianSchnepf, SteveGross, DeneanBennett-Campe, MartyMattocks, JamesVickery andNova
Metz. AldermanKupferermade amotion toaccept theappointments as stated above. Alderman
Lesyna seconded themotionwithAldermanNavratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna
and JohnMetz voting yes.
Appointment was requestedofAttorneyStewart DiamondasCityAttorney, PatrickO’Brienas
Municipal Prosecutor and JimRowe asAdjudicationOfficer. Appointment was requestedof Lisa