City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 50

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sent out specific letters outlining violation(s) that werepresent on theproperties like neglected
landscaping, vehicles inoperable, campers, etc. Dughay’s property has been cleared of most all
debris. Just because it is zoned business does not allow it to be in violationof City ordinance.
Police have spent a great deal of time clearing this up. Policehavehadanoverwhelmingamount of
support from business andhomeowners. This particular property beingdiscussed is located on
northDixieHighway in thealley. Nothinghas changedwith this property. Policehave been
monitoring it for the last 4 –6weeks. Business owner contactedAldermanKupferer andPolice
chief went to discusswith this business owner, vehicle has tobe licensed andno hoods up,
temporary state of disrepair, reasonable timewould be 1week to 10days. Autobody shopmight
take longer, the problemwithmany of the cars is that they arenot licensed or people don’t have
money to repair it. When issuewas pushed last time anumber were cars that werewaiting for
salvage title, which later was foundout tobeonly requested for 1or 2. Location is becominga
dumpingground for vehicles and he is beingheld to the same standard as other businesses in town.
Clearly violations are on this property and it needs tobe cleaned up. Many of the cars that he has
spoken toChief about have beenmoved. Chief appreciates his efforts andwill continue tomonitor.
Cars that were in violationwere oneswith no licenseplates, flat tires, sitting there for weeks (4-6
weeks). Photos havebeen taken over the last 4-6weekswhile theyweremonitoringbusinesses.
Policewill continue tomove forwardwith this. Greenstreet Producebuildingowner (located on114),
is topaint entire building. Repairs that were doneandowner cannot afford couldbeanexception.
Mayor Porter stated that he totally supports codeenforcement. AldermanNovaMetz questioned
property behindDughay’s buildingwhether hehas a junking certificate. Chief didnot knowwho
owns this property. A junking certificate needs a yearly feeand a solid fence completely around the
property. Tobe looked into further. Chief believes that theCity is about 30% complete compliance,
30%partial compliance and the rest not compliant. AldermanNovaMetz also questioned the south
side residents getting letters in themail for parking, they do not have a curb, it was askedhoware
they gettingawarning for parking in thegrass, is theCity going to put gravel on their streets
because there is noplace topark. Chief stated that if theywant gravel, theywill have to contact
Street andAlley. If people areparkingon grass, residents need to contact the police department; it
needs tobeaddressedwhile the violation is happening.
AldermanSteele calledExecutive regardingpersonnel not to comeout anddobusiness.
AldermanCook calleda Local Improvementmeeting forMonday, May 11, at
discuss aTIF (Tax Increment Financing) District, several speakers to come to thismeeting.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteon 15minuteparkingbySuperMercado (Monday –
Sunday, 8:30A.M. – 8:30P.M.) AldermanLesynamade amotion toapprove andordinance
amendingan ordinance regarding restrictive parking. AldermanCook seconded themotionwith
AldermenNavratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
Ordinance #794. AldermanLesyna calledaBudget andFinancemeeting for 7:15p.m., May 18.
JeannieBlanchette reported that Lori Schultz, newemployee for CityHall, started today and
will be introducedat the next CityCouncil meeting.
Scott Behrends: DixieHighwaywork is still goingonwith theplan forWednesday to do
grinding through town. Several water leaks have been fixed but there are still more tobe repaired.
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