City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 62

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Alderman JohnMetz questionedwhy the request for a15minuteparking sign at thebakery
onDixieHighwaywasn’t on the agenda. Alderman Lesyna stated thatmore researchwas needed.
AldermanDenton called aBudget andFinance committeemeeting for June15at 7:15 p.m.
AldermanLesyna presented toCouncil a first readingof DowntownSidewalkDining
Ordinance, whichwas discussedat tonight’sOrdinanceCommitteemeeting. TheCommitteewas in
favor of this ordinance. AldermanNovaMetz stated thatmidnight seems to be too late. Off the vine
is potentially looking into having sidewalk dining. An ordinance committeemeetingwas called for
June15at 7 p.m.
Chief Cavender stated that bike safety inspectionswill be done at thepolice station this
Saturday from 8 a.m. –10:30a.m. Golf cart registrationwas heldand 40 cartswere registered.
Citizensmay come topolice stationMonday –Friday from11a.m.-7p.m. to register their golf carts.
Chief alsohad twomatters todiscuss specific personnel. JimRoweupdatedCouncil regarding the
adjudicationhearings stating that they areworkingwell, discussedpropertymaintenance
complianceand explained the teen court diversion program. Alderman JohnMetz questioned
whether a lien is placed against theproperties that theCity has beenmowing. Chief stated that they
only handle ticket and thenassess fine. City hasmowed 7properties. Each property has received
an ordinance ticket. Fine is assessed andwill beput in debt collection program if needed.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson-absent
Discuss and vote on resolution forGladFest Parade route street closings. This request
comes from IDOT (IllinoisDepartment of Transportation). AldermanKupferermade amotion to
approve the resolution to closeDixieHighway as neededon theThursday, Friday andSaturday of
theGladFest. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Navratil, Nova
Metz, Kupferer, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution#
Discuss and voteonweight limit restrictions and fees. Lieutenant Veckmans discussed the
enforcement aspect of the portable truck scales. Trucks drivingonRailroadAvenue fromOrrGrain
have a limited continuous operational permit for state roads issuedby IDOT (permit is issued to
companieswith items that are shipped internationally). Approximately 100 trucks operate on this
RailroadAvenue. It is theCity’s responsibility tomaintain this road. It was recommended that the
City pass anordinance to allow theCity of Momence to permit them to beonour road. Permits
range from $250 to $450. The state permit they hold does not allow them tobeon city limit roads.
Request issued for theCity to hire a consultant to create ordinance. Mr. Lainnehas a one-time flat
feeof $500. Hehas offered to diminishby half $250 tomeet with and design ordinance. Permits
would be set upas towhat is in our ordinance, preferably a 90 day permit. One day permits can
also be issued. This does not apply toDixieHighway. Industrial Drive is aCountyRoad. Railroad
Avenue is aCity road. Feewould be imposed on trucking companies. Money generatedwould go
to repair the roads. Cost tobe less than$2,000 to get this set up. Possible line items to takemoney
fromwould be contingencies out of Local Improvement and possibly legal feeswhenputting actual
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