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AldermanSteele: Discuss and possibly vote on financing for street sweeper. Street andAlley
meetingheld tonight todiscuss possibly purchaseof street sweeper. Although noagreement on
exactlywhat theCity is purchasing, financingwill be done by borrowing from theSewer department.
AldermanSteelemadeamotion toborrow funds from sewer department inorder topurchase a
street sweeper whenone comes available, not toexceedmore than$80,000. Alderman Lesyna
seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and
Puglise voting yes.
Scott Behrends provided an updateon the renovation at CityHall, furnace is beingdelivered
tomorrow. Discussed salt purchaseonbills,mildwinter will help budget. Onewater leakon
Chestnut Street-has been repaired.
Chief Swansonwill be checkingwith theAutoAuctionCompany about auctionof squad cars,
if sales didn’t go verywell on January 26
then theywill hold vehicles until next auction. Discussion
of increaseduseof circle/parkway area on the sideof RangeSchool which is creatingdamaged
roadway. SuggestedDirector Behrends look into. AldermanLesyna statedBoardof Education is
aware of parkway condition. Chief thankedAldermanMetz for her comment about his police officers
and stated that thisSaturday theywill be holdingeducational type trainingat school for
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson–Checkingordinance for different depositories
formoney, needs updatingbecause of turnover in banks. Right nowusing3 banks, Centrue,
Municipal andFirst National Bank of Grant Park (inBerkots)-First National Bank of Grant Park has
moved out of Momence.
BoardofAppealsmet last Thursday and postponed givingapproval for a homeowner tobuild
onNorthRiver Road because the lot has tobe checked for buried sewer andwater lines near the
northendof theproperty line; structurewouldpossibly have to be built about 10 feet from the lot
ThisThursday,AldermanKupferer, Mayor Porter, Local Union representative,Attorneys and
Chief Swansonwill meet regarding current status of thePoliceUnion contract. Also, tomorrownight
theLocal Improvement SubCommitteewill meet at 5:30PMat JohnSokol's, MomentumMomence
to discuss recentmatchinggrant fundraiser funds that may be used to beginwork onMcDonaldpark
and the lot in front of the police station.
AldermanStraleymade amotion to adjourn themeeting. AldermanKupferer seconded the
motionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, LesynaandPuglise voting yes.
Meetingadjourned at 7:43P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk