City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 114

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AldermanKupferer: Discuss and possibly vote onPoliceDepartment phone system concerns.
Problemswith phone lines and answering system. People are calling trying toget in contact with police
officers, nomessages are being taken by the phone answering system and the system is not transferring to
KanCom. There is ahighquantity of people that call the nonemergencyphonenumber and it is very
important that the phone system beup and running. Phone has been looked at and it was stated that the
voicemail card is locking up. They areunable to locate the voicemail card, if they can find thepart it would
range between $1500-$1800 for repair. Waiting on estimate for newphone system. InvestigatingCall One,
they haveequipment that compliments the current system. Newphone system is approximately $2500 –
$3000. Quote tobe obtainedwithin thisweek. AldermanKupferermade amotion toapprove amaximum
not to exceed $3,000 for newphone system for the policedepartment pendingCall One vendors and other
options. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele,
Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanCook: Master Plan Improvement committee raised $5,000 togetmatching grant.
Alderman Lesyna: Discuss and voteon theObligationRetirement Resolution. AResolution
providing for the retirement of certainmunicipal indebtedness by the useofmotor fuel tax funds. The
Resolutionwill be sent toRegional Engineer, Department of Transportation for approval. Principal and
interest for coming year, indebtedness approximately $36,000, will be retiredwith funds allotted undermotor
fuel tax. Represents approximately half of City’s annual motor fuel tax receipts. Alderman Lesynamadea
motion topass theObligationRetirement Resolution. AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution#166.
InterimChief Gessner thanked the citizens of Momence for theopportunity to serve as interim chief
for theCity of Momence stating that it was an honor to be interim chief and commendedour Police
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson stated that the sales tax updatewas inCouncil's folders
and theMFTaudit will be heldWednesdaymorning.
Discuss and vote appointment of thePoliceChief. Mayor Porter requested amotion toappoint Mr.
Jeff Cavender asPoliceChief with a salary of $67,000 andemployee only health insuranceprovided by the
City. AldermanKupferermade amotion to approveMayor Porter's appointment of Mr. Jeff Cavender as
MomencePoliceChief with a salary of $67,000 and employees only health insuranceprovided by theCity.
Alderman Lesyna seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, Kupferer, Cook and Lesyna voting
yes. AldermanNovaMetz, Steele and JohnMetz voted no. Appointment/motionpassed. CityClerkHenson
administered theoath toMr. Cavender.
AldermanKupferermadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanDenton seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:10P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk
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