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be looked into further/clarifiedwithCity Lawyer, will update at next Council meeting.
AldermanKupferer stated that he received a call about truck traffic byBaker andTaylor. Trailers are
being dropped and left in front of residences. Trucks sit idling;AldermanKupferer will speak toBaker and
Taylor to seewhat can be done andbring back toCouncil to discuss further.
AldermanCook: Discuss and voteon allowing the closureof parking spaces on the north side of East
River Street parking lot for the upcoming fundraiser (10/26) for theMomenceTheater. The 4parking spaces
next to theTheater will be ropedoff. AldermanCookmadeamotion toapprove the closure of parking
spacesmentioned above. AldermanStraley seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith8Ayes, 0Nays.
Esther VileswithMediacom, was scheduled at apreviousCouncil meeting todo apresentation. She
is looking for a smaller committee topresent to, theCity has a franchise agreement with them. Alderman
Steele stated theywon't give us internet service at no charge, anothermanager states that theywill. Existing
contract until June, 2014. Local Improvement committeemeetingwas called for 6:45PMonNovember 4, for
aMediacom presentation.
Alderman Lesyna: Discuss and voteon the annual tax abatement for theAlternateRevenueSource.
Ordinanceabating the tax levied for the year 2013 topay theprincipal of and interest on$450,000General
ObligationBonds (AlternateRevenueSource), Series 2010 of theCity of Momence. Yes votemeans that the
City, out of MFT funds, will pay for the principal and interest. No vote states that tax payerswill pay it. This
vote has to bedone every year. Alderman Lesynamadeamotion topass theAnnual Abatement Ordinance.
AldermanCook seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Ordinance #771.
Alderman JohnMetz stated that hehas received two unsigned letters. The first letter containeda
picture of aGator sitting in front of Berkots this past weekend. The second letter, which he read toCouncil,
pertained to chickens in yardswhen they live in town. The letter addressed thatAldermanCook has had
themat his home since hemoved there. Mayor Porter andAldermanCook both stated that they haveno
comment. The letter also stated that Mark Lesyna's home phonenumber has been changed;Alderman
Lesyna stated that it is available at CityHall. Mayor Porter will talk toparties involved andmove forward.
Scott Behrends stated that leaf pickup begins next week, brush removal end dateof October 29.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson –Sales tax check received for $35,000. Mayor Porter
requestedTreasurer to check on the filing of theResolution thatmust bepassed for theMotor Fuel Tax (MFT)
payment obligation on theAlternateRevenueSourceBond.
Halloween hours need tobe set. Past Halloween hours have been from4-7PM. AldermanStraley
made amotion toapproveHalloween hours for 4-7PM. AldermanKupferer seconded themotion. Motion
carriedwith 8Ayes and 0Nays. Children are only togo tohouseswith porch light on.
AldermanDentonmadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwith
AldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Meeting
adjournedat 7:53P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk