City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 118

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Scott Behrends: leaf pick up is continuing, chipper is back out due to yesterday's storms as
needed. Snow flakes/decorations are up (except for 3 including the stop lights byMunicipal Bank-
corner of Dixie and 2
street). Power is out due to fixingan electric line. Storms: limbs only down
no trees. Problems: power in police and street andalley building, police department is out of
servicewhen electricity goes out. Size of generator was discussed. Smaller generator wouldwork
in street and alley buildingat approximately $4,700 installed for a standby generator. Police
Department buildingmore difficult to get onebigenough to handle entire policedepartment. Grants
for surplus generatorswere discussed, and the difficulty of getting/finding them. Add to priority list to
service police department building. Alderman JohnMetz stated that he knows a gentleman, Mr.
Chico, that couldpossibly look into aused diesel generator, warrantywas questioned. It was
questionedwhether communication still goes throughKanComwhen electricity is out and it does.
All network printers and computerswere down. CraigKennedy should be able to figure out wattage
to get what is needed. Mayor commendedMr. Behrends onhis quick pickupof debris. Water &
Sewer: water leak by pork packers andanother one by church. Sludge pumps and chlorinator need
to be replaced, looking intopricing.
Chief Cavender stated that thenewphone system is in andworkingwell. Traininggoingon
thismonth. KankakeeCounty is rollingout new software for NewWorldSystemwhichwas
scheduled for December but has beenpushed back until January, with no cost to theCity. Football
gameSaturdaywent well. Route114was shut down for 6 hours becauseof storms/line down.
Chief toworkwithScott Behrends ongenerator for PoliceStation. Statedhas twomatters for
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson: Resolutionpassedat last Council meeting
andwasmailed to IDOT forMFTapproval. MFTaudit was canceled twice, waiting to reschedule.
Discuss and vote on authorizationof contract for purchaseof 5NorthDixie. $15,000money
given has been placed in a separateaccount. Mayor Porter requested authorization to signReal
EstateSalesContract for closingonproperty inDecember. Bill Gilbert continuing to raise funds for
clock. AldermanKupferermade amotion to give authorization forMayor Porter to sign sales
contract, purchasingpropertywith donated funds of $15,000. AldermanCook seconded themotion
withAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting
Discuss the status on the recent health Insurance premium changes. With the new insurance
available throughObamaCare our insurance company contacted theCity regarding requirement
changeswithwhat must beoffered. TheBCBSSelect does not provide all the coverage required.
SpokewithOfficerMorfin (PoliceUnionRepresentative) regarding changes. Theeffect being that
BCBSSelect participantswouldneed tobe switched over toBCBSPPOwhich includesRiverside
Hospital coverage. There is a6% increasewith premiums andwould begooduntil December,
2014, after that, other optionswould beavailable. AldermanNovaMetz stated that a fewmore
things have changed recently, whichwill potentiallymake the increase higher than6%. Mayor
Porter stated that inwaiting to sign upamd take thenewoffer, eachmonth premiumswould change
in price because of birthdays andholidays. BCBSSelect Riverside contract was questioned.
Riversidewas not going to be included inBCBSSelect.
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