City of Momence - 2012 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 20

WHEREAS, theCityofMomence (the “City) is an Illinois non-home rulemunicipal corporation
organized and operatingunder the IllinoisMunicipal Code, 65 ILCS 5/1-1-1, et seq., and all laws
supplemental thereto;
WHEREAS, Illinois PublicAct 96-34 created theVideoGamingAct (the “Act”), 230 ILCS
40/1, et seq., for the purpose of authorizing the operation of video gaming terminals in licensed
retail establishmentswhere alcoholic liquor is drawn, poured,mixed, or otherwise served for
consumption on the premises;
WHEREAS, theCityhas exercised its authority to regulate and license establishmentswhich sell
alcoholic liquors at retail by enacting suchordinanceswhich are codified inTitle 3, Chapter 2 of
theCityofMomenceCityCode (the “Code”);
WHEREAS, Section 3-2-21 of theCode expresslyprohibits the conduct of gamblingor the
operation of a gamingdevice in anypremises towhich a liquor license has been granted;
WHEREAS, theMayor andCityCouncil find it in the best interest of the residents, and that it
will advance thewelfare of theCity, to relax the gamblingprohibition herein described for the
narrow and limited purpose of permitting the operation of video gaming terminals licensedby
the IllinoisGamingBoard in themanner described in theAct.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE ITORDAINED by theMayor andCityCouncil of theCityof
Momence, KankakeeCounty, Illinois, as follows:
Recitals. TheMayor andAlderman hereby find that the foregoing recitals are a full, complete
and accurate representation of the purpose and intent of thisOrdinance, direct that the ordinance
be liberally construed to accomplish the purpose and intent herein described, and incorporate the
recitals the same as though fully set forth herein. In the event that anyprovision or application
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