City of Momence - 2014 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 16

ClassD:A classD license shall authorize the sellingof alcoholic beverages only
in conjunctionwith the service of food to said person ordering the alcoholic
beverage and shall not authorize the establishment so issued a classD license to
maintain a portion of the establishment uponwhich personsmaybe served
alcoholic beverageswithout food. There shall be amaximum of four (4) classD
licenses only.
ClassE:A classE catering license shall authorize the sellingof alcoholic
beverages anywhere in the citywhere the licensee is acting as a caterer, in
conjunctionwith parties, or eventswhere the licensee is also providing food
services. During anyquarterlyperiod, the income the licensee derives from the
sale of food,must comprise at least 50 percent of the gross revenue of the
amount earned from the sale of food and alcoholic beverages at such parties or
events. In addition to the other requirements of this section, a classE license
shall onlybe issued to those personswho possess a valid and current ClassA or
ClassD license. There shall be amaximum of four (4) classE licenses only.
There shall be no license fee for aClass E license.
The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed separable
and the invalidityof anyportion of this ordinance shall not affect the validityof the
: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage,
adoption, and publication in pamphlet form, as required by law.
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