City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 39

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thehistorical houseand accept him as an independent contractor. Ald. Kupferer seconded themotion.
Ald. Denton, Kupferer, Cook, andLesyna voted yes.Ald. Metz votedno. 5 yes voteswereneeded. The
motiondidnot pass.
Ald. Kupferer reported that Council approveabid for theusedpolice car as thepersonwhosebid
was initially accepteddecided that hedidn’t want the car. Ald. Kupferermade themotion toapprove the
secondbid for $550 fromKimHall. Ald. Lesyna seconded themotion. Ald. Denton, Kupferer, Cook,
LesynaandMetz voted yes.
Department Heads
Supt. Behrends reported that there is a lot of constructionby the state fromSouthRiver Terrace
throughMomence toGrant Park. No time linewas given. GallagherAsphalt is doingall the construction.
Supt. Behrends reported that brushand leaf pick uphas begun.
PoliceChief Cavender reported that GoodShepherdManor had requested90 ft. of reserved
parking in front of thehouseat 404S. Gladiolus, however, they haveagreed toput an8 ft. safety zone
for theGoodShepherdmen toarriveanddepart by bus from the residenceonGladiolaSt. Chief
Cavender also reported that Capt. KevinTaylor has resigned theMomencePoliceandhas takena
positionwith theChicagoPoliceDept.
Supt. Scot Behrends requestedExecutiveSession for 2 items concerningemployment.
Treasurer Report
Treasurer Petersonasked that additional hours beapproved for BobGuess toassist with thenew
financial software, as the conversion to thenew softwarewithTyler Technologies needsmore
organization. AldermanLesynamade themotion toapprove24additional hours at $100.00per hour.
AldermanCook seconded. Ald. Denton, Kupferer, Cook, LesynaandMetz voted yes.
Mayor Report:
Mayor Porter requested approval of a resolution regardingprocedures involving theLiquor
CommissionHearings. Information from thehearings will be the information that will be reviewed if
there is anappeal and is limited to reviewof theofficial records of theproceedingof thehearing. Ald.
Kupferermade themotion for the resolutionof theCity of Momence regardingappeals of thedecisions
of theLiquor Control Commission. Ald. Lesyna seconded. Ald. Denton, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand
Metz voted yes.
Mayor Porter requested approval of theappointment of SherrieBraswell andTerrySpencer to the
GrahamHistorical HouseBoard. Ald. Dentonmade themotion toapprove theappointments Ald.
Kupferer secondedwith all aldermen voting yes.
Mayor Porter requested approval of anagreement with the ICC, IDOT, andNorfolkSouthern
Railroad topursueanalternative routeon thenorth sideof theMapleSt. railroad crossing. This
agreement includes acceptanceof a$327,000RailroadProtectionGrant from the ICC for the costs of
theproject.Ald. Kupferermade themotion toaccept theagreement. Ald. Cook secondedwithall
Aldermen voting yes.
Mayor Porter read theProclamation regardingChildAbusePreventionMonthwhich isApril 2015.
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