City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 115

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AldermanDenton called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for 11/16at 7:15P.M.
AldermanKupferer called aPoliceCommitteemeeting for 11/16at 7:00P.M.
AldermanCook: VisitorsBureauGrant for Tourism is providingan opportunity to receive
$10,000 for improvement tourismproject. Only stipulationwouldbe a$2000 investment from the
City. For this year, Council needs to authorizeCity to enter into this agreement. AldermanCook
statedmoney is in budget for this. Grant is scheduled to be offeredevery other year andwill be on
theagenda tobe votedonat next Council meeting
AldermanLesyna: Discuss andVote onDeterminationof Rates andCharges by addingan
Additional Charge toMonthlyWater Bills toAssist theCity inRepaying IEPALoanOrdinance. City
AttorneyStewart Diamondandhis staff researched and recommended a$7 flat increase tobe
added toCity code tooffset costs for installation (watermain) andwill go into effect whenEPA
approves the loan. Alderman Lesynamadeamotion to approve anordinanceamending section 7-
6-1-2, determinationof the rates and charges by addinganadditional charge tomonthlywater bills
to assist theCity in repayingan IEPALoan. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotionwith
AldermenDenton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Ordinance #804.
Discuss andVoteonAnnualAbatement Ordinance regarding theAlternateRevenueBond
annual payment . Avote yeswill mean theCitywill paywithMFT funds. Ano votemeans tax
payerswill pay. Payment comes fromMFT (Motor Fuel Tax). AldermanLesynamadeamotion to
approve theAnnualAbatement Ordinance. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Navratil, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook andLesyna. Alderman JohnMetz abstained.
Ordinance #803.
Scott Behrends stated that becauseof IDOT specifications theCity iswaiting for Gallagher to
do road repairs fromwater leaks. Leaf season, bepatient, no route set.
Chief Cavender clarifiedMr. Plein’s citizen forum concern stated above. Chief received a
complaint fromAlderman JohnMetz onOctober 13, regardinga semi and utility trailer parked ina
residential yardonFranklinStreet. Vehicleswere tagged for towonOctober 15. Both vehicleswere
unregistered (no license plates). Semi was registered toa gentleman out of Piper City and theother
trailer was registered to a gentlemanout of Bradley. Sticker was for 72hour towof vehicles. It is a
residential neighborhood. Adetailed telephonemessagewas left withMr. Plein onOctober 28.
Chief Cavender did not hear fromMr. Pleinuntil today. The semi and trailer were towed on
Saturday, October 31. They are in storage. Letterswere sent toowners alongwith ordinance ticket.
There is aprovision in theCity’s ordinancewhich allows the city tomove abandoned vehicles from
properties. Mr. Plein does have anattorney.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPetersonabsent.
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