City of Momence 2015 Agendas/Minutes - page 125

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discussed. JohnMetz Jr. stated that hehasmadephone calls toother communities and they know
nothingabout this; Police inGrant Park andnoother local towing companies aredoing this. He is out
the storagebill because it is being towed to thepolice station. Last week, they lost $210becauseof this
newpolicy (storage loss). Mayor Porter stated that thiswas theCityAttorney’s recommendation, not
intended to takemoney away from other businesses. Insurance company showing liability for police
stationholding these vehicleswas discussed. Mayor Porter stated that heappreciatedMr. Metz coming
to themeetingand thiswill bediscussed further.
Alderman JohnMetz stated that onNovember 27, a squad car with lights on for twohourswas
parked in front of thepolice station. His concernwaswhy the car was sittingout front for twohours. It
was stated that hewas potentially handlinga call. Chief Cavender stated that thepolice car has tobe
left on.
AldermanDenton called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for 12/21/15at 7:15pm.
AldermanNovaMetz inquiredabout streets lights not beingonat west MechanicStreet by
VanDrunen, JohnsonvilleandSilva. Scott stated that is not hookedupand thedeveloper was in charge
of it. At Silva, power was run intobuilding for the lights. Mayor stated the lightingwill be looked into
whenMechanic is tobe fixed.
AldermanKupferer calledExecutiveSession regarding theemployment and compensation for
specific employees.
AldermanCook stated that hehas been contactedby citizens inhisward regardingalley repair
and request for a street light at theeast endof Vermont Street. Problem for theVermont Street light
issue is that there is nopower availableat that location. Scott Behrends clarified that if it is awooden
pole, contact City and theywill email ComEd. All other poles are theCity’s poles.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss andVoteonPropertyTax Levywhich is 4.99% increase (below5%).
AldermanSteelebrought toCouncil’s attention that theCity needs topost thePropertyTax Levy
Ordinance for 20days, suggested tohavemeetingonDecember 28. .
Scott Behrends statedCityworkers arepicking up leaves and chipping is still beingdonebecause
of brush. Regardingalleys, all alleys arebadbecause theCity does not owna tractor; therefore, they
havebeenunable todrag thealleys. Tractor is only used for dragging alleys so that iswhy theCity has
never purchasedone.
Discuss andVoteonObligationRetirement Resolution forMFT, which is requiredby IDOT, for
MFTmoney tobeallocated to theCity topay thealternate revenuebond. AldermanCookmadea
motion toapprove theObligationRetirement Resolution forMFT. AldermanKupferer seconded the
motionwithAldermenDenton, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesynaand JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanNovaMetz suggested that theDecember 28meeting is tobeheldat 7:00PMor
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