City of Momence - 2014 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 44

personswho possess a valid and current ClassAor ClassD license. There shall be amaximum
of four (4) classE licenses only. There shall be no license fee for aClassE license.
Class F: Class F license shall authorize the retail sale of alcoholic beverages for consumptionon
premiseswhere food is sold. Alcoholic beverages shall onlybe served at tables or other
designated areas, but shall not be sold across a bar to anypatrons sittingor standing there for any
period exceedingwhat is necessary for the patron to order and obtain the product sold. There
shall be amaximumof one (1) class F license. A class F license is subject to the following
conditions and limitations:
Hours: No class F licensee shall permit to be sold or given away any alcoholic liquor
between the hours of teno'clock (10:00) P.M. and sixo'clock (6:00)A.M. onMonday,
Tuesday,Wednesday, Thursday, Friday andSaturdayof eachweek, and between the hours
of teno'clock (10:00) P.M. and eleveno'clock (11:00)A.M. onSundayof eachweek.
Closing: A class F license holder shall clear the premises of all patrons at or prior to ten
thirtyo'clock (10:30) P.M. unless suchpatrons are engaged in legal commercial activity
whichdoes not involve the sale or consumptionof alcoholic liquor.
That Title 3, Chapter 2, Section9, titled “LICENSEFEES”, of theCityCode of theCityof
Momence, Illinois, is hereby repealed
That there is hereby added to theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, under and in
substitution for Title 3, Chapter 2, Section9, titled “LICENSEFEES”.
The per annum fees for liquor licenses shall be as follows:
ClassA license $800.00
ClassB license $300.00
ClassC license $800.00
ClassD license $800.00
Class F license $800.00
The fees so due for said license shall be payable onor beforeMay1
of each year.
All payments shall be payable in advance at the time of filing an application for said license.
The provisions and sections of this ordinance shall be deemed separable and the invalidityof
anyportionof this ordinance shall not affect the validityof the remainder.
: That this ordinance shall be in full force and effect after its passage, adoption, and
publication inpamphlet form, as required by law.
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