City of Momence - 2014 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 51

theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois is chargedwith the continued
administration and oversight of theCityCodeBook; and
theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois has established a liquor regulation
ordinance; and
theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois has determined that certain sections and
subsections of the liquor regulation chapter, should be amended; and
theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinoiswishes to amend theCityCode,
specificallyunder a portion of theCode known asTitle 3, Chapter 2, Section4, titled “CLASSIFICATION
OFLICENSES”, Title 3, Chapter 2, Section9, titled “LICENSEFEES”, andTitle 3, Chapter 2, Section 17,
be it ordained by theCityCouncil of theCity ofMomence, Illinois, as follows:
That Title 3, Chapter 2, Section 4, of theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, is
hereby repealed.
That there is hereby added to theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, inTitle 3,
Chapter 2, Section4, titled “CLASSIFICATIONOFLICENSES”
There shall be six (6) classifications of licenses that shall permit the licensee to sell alcoholic liquor. Said
classifications of licenses shall be as follows:
ClassA:A classA license shall authorize the sellingof any and all kinds of alcoholic beverages,
either inpackages for consumption off of the premises or by the drink for consumptionon the
premises and shall allow the establishment issued the license tobe open for business six (6) days
aweek,Monday throughSaturday. There shall be amaximumof seven (7) classA licenses only.
ClassB:A classB license shall authorize an establishmentwhich has been issued anyother
classificationof license to sell alcoholic beverages ofwhatever kind and inwhatever form said
classification so authorizes onSunday. There shall be amaximumof thirteen (13) classB
licenses only.
ClassC:A classC license shall authorize the sellingof alcoholic beverages inpackages only for
consumptionoff of the premises and shall not authorize said establishment to sell liquor by the
drink tobe consumed on the premises. There shall be amaximumof four (4) classC licenses
ClassD:A classD license shall authorize the sellingof alcoholic beverages only in conjunction
with the service of food to saidpersonordering the alcoholic beverage and shall not authorize the
establishment so issued a classD license tomaintain a portion of the establishment uponwhich
personsmaybe served alcoholic beverageswithout food. There shall be amaximumof four (4)
classD licenses only.
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