City of Momence - 2014 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 36

theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois is chargedwith the continued administration and
oversight of theCityCodeBook; and
theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois has established a parkingduring snow removal
ordinance; and
theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois desires to ensure the safety andwellbeingof its
citizens, inhabitants and all other persons parkingovernight within theCity limits after an accumulating snow.
be it ordained by theCityCouncil of theCityofMomence, Illinois, as follows:
That Title 8, Chapter 2, Section17, titled “PARKINGDURINGSNOW
REMOVAL”, of theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, is hereby repealed.
That there is hereby added to theCityCode of theCityofMomence, Illinois, under and in
substitution for Title 8, Chapter 2, Section17, titled “PARKINGDURINGSNOWREMOVAL
(A) Parking restrictions shall be in effect for the entire city during any snowfall that accumulates to the point of
requiringplows to clean the streets. All residents shall be required to adhere to parking restrictions as defined:
1. Onodd dates, vehicles shall be parked onlyon the side of the street with even numbered houses or buildings.
2. On evendates, vehicles shall be parked onlyon the side of the street withodd numbered houses or buildings.
3. Oddor evendates shall be determined at seveno'clock (7:00)A.M. and run until seven o'clock (7:00)A.M. the
4. Street sideswithopen space or no buildings shall be considered as beingnumbered the opposite of the other side
of the street.
5. These restrictionswill be in place for aminimumof forty eight (48) hours after the snowfall ends or until any
street inquestion is completely cleared.
(B)Anypersonwho violates anyprovisionof this section is guiltyof a pettyoffense and shall be fined in
accordancewith the cityofMomence approved fine list found in section
f this code.
(C) In the event that anyvehicle is so illegallyparked after the requisite snowfall accumulation, the police shall,
upon finding any such vehicle inviolation, post a signon said vehicle indicating the violation and requiring it to be
movedwithin twenty four (24) hours. If suchvehicle is not removedwithin twenty four (24) hours so as to be in
compliancewith this section, the police shall cause the vehicle to be towed and the cost of towing shall be paid by
the owner thereof in addition to any fine otherwise imposed by this section.
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