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Mark Pressler approachedCouncil to discuss changing town ordinance regarding chickens. He is
requesting theCityCouncil to change zoning laws. Request for hens only not roosters. Discussed concerns
regarding noise, smell and loose chickens and some of the benefits of having backyard hens: manure, bugs,
fun and food. Sampleordinanceswere distributed. OrdinanceCommittee todo research, contact
communities that have this ordinance. Containment would be required. Ordinance states single family
homes. Tobe discussedat next OrdinanceCommitteemeeting.
AldermanStraley calledaBudget andFinance committeemeeting at 7:15PMon July 21.
AldermanNovaMetz stated thatWard2 citizens need toplacegarbage cans in thealley and asked
Sue Lincoln from theProgressReporter to place this request in the local paper.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon Locust StreetMFTbids. Threebids: Universal Asphalt &
Excavating, Inc. for $133,585.69, GallagherAsphalt for $117,699.80, andKankakeeValleyConstruction
Company, Inc. for $122,523.19. Lowbid isGallagherAsphalt for $117,699.80. Baxter &Woodman, Inc.
recommendation isGallagherAsphalt. Work to include resurfacing 2blocks of Locust Street with curb repair.
Timeframewas to start July 18 and be finishedbyAugust 5, which runs too close toGladFest. Work is
planned to be started afterGladFest with patches being placed onbigger holes until work canbedone. Mr.
Behrends stated that sometimes numbers (bids) are elevated so it could potentially cost less. Alderman
Steelemade amotion toapprove the $117,699.80bidwithGallagherAsphalt Corporation to resurface2
blocks on Locust Street alongwith curb repair. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton,
Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteonCanineResolutionwithOwnership agreement. Ownership
agreement was reviewed byCity attorney. AldermanKupferermadeamotion toapproveCanine resolution.
AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. Resolution #169.
Discuss and vote onhiring full timePoliceOfficer. OfficerGabriel Caliendowas recommendedper
Chief Cavender's request at tonight'sPoliceCommitteemeeting. AldermanKupferermadeamotion to
approve the hiringof OfficerGabriel Caliendo as a full timePoliceOfficer forMomencePoliceDepartment.
Alderman Lesyna seconded themotionwithAldermenDenton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook,
Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes. A PoliceCommitteemeetingwas called for 6:30PMon July 21, todiscuss
policepersonnel and promotion.
AldermanCook asked if therewould be an issueabout a citizen having anoutdoor birthday party on
August 2, with aDJ in their backyard, they havediscussed thiswith their neighbors. It was stated that no
permission is needed. Noiseordinance states nothing after 1PM.
Discuss and vote on contract for Baxter &Woodman inspection for sanitary sewer separation and
streetscapeengineering of 100block of EastWashingtonStreet. Inspect properties that have vaults needed
tobe sealed inpreparation tousegrantmoney for EastWashingtonproject not to exceed $5,400, for
engineeringwork only. AldermanCookmade amotion toapprove entering into anengineering agreement
withBaxter &Woodman, not toexceed $5,400. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermen
Denton, Straley, NovaMetz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna and JohnMetz voting yes.
Discuss and vote on saleof vacant lot and vacateof alley betweenGladiolusAvenue andHarvard
Street. Sell property toCharlesNavarro's company for $8,800, appraisal came in at $11,000. Lot is adjacent
tohis existing property. AldermanCookmadeamotion to approve resolution to sell surplus property to