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sanitationpermits have beenobtained. AldermanKupferermadeamotion to approve theuse of
NAPAparking lot for both vendors as requested above. AldermanCook seconded themotion.
Motion carriedwith 7Ayes, 0Nays.
SueLincolnapproachedCouncil regardingnoise onSaturday night from outside venue at
RedCedar Lanes. Musicwas very loud. Therewill be other outdoor performances. Whether they
were supposed to be acousticwas questioned. Mayor todiscusswithmanagement at RedCedar
Requesteduseof 10 golf carts (August 4 - 10) and closure of River andLocust Street parking
lot fromFriday –Sunday (August 8-10). Traditional parade routes onThursday - Saturday. Total
closureof the 100block ofWestWashingtonStreet at noon onFriday for a free tie shirt dyeing
event and theGladRun for kids at endof theDaveRudolf performance following the run; in addition
theuseof “the point' by the footbridge at GilsterMary Lee onSaturday andSunday. Southshore
Drill teamwill be preforminga 20-30minute showafter Saturday's parade. Mayor Porter stated that
theCity did receive permission for the temporary closingof Dixie for theparade. AldermanKupferer
made amotion to approveGladiolus Festival's request for useof golf carts and street closures as
mentionedabove anduse of theEast River Street parking lot beginningThursday,August 7 –
Sunday,August 10, 2014. AldermanDenton seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7Ayes, 0
Paul Mitchell Studio (KathyArseneau) –Request a tagday for Saturday, September 13,
2014, from8AM –12PMat the following stops: SecondStreet andDixieHighway,Washington
Street andDixieHighway andRoute1-17andGladiolusAvenue. They have done this tagday the
last couple years for charities. AldermanKupferermadeamotion to approve the request as stated
above. AldermanNovaMetz seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 7Ayes, 0Nays.
AldermanStraley called aBudget andFinanceCommitteemeeting for July 7 at 7:15PM togo
over bills. KankakeeCountyCommunityServiceswill be distributing farmersmarket coupons to
qualifying senior citizens on July 1, 9-11AMat CityHall. Market topotentially start end of July.
AldermanNovaMetz commendedAldermanCook on the appearance of theClockTower
AldermanSteeleasked howmuch longer theTownshipBuilding (museum) sidewalk is going
to be blockedoff. Citizens feel that this needs to be openedup. No time-framewas known. Mayor
to call architect to investigate further, pedestrian sidewalk has beenpoured for threeweeks; some
plaza concrete still needs tobepoured, andwindows still need tobe installedon thewest side of
AldermanKupferer: Discuss and voteon a vehicle lease for police department. Need to
discuss payment option andwhether to grant lease. Total $25,0988with 16 quarterly payments of
$1,814.45or 4annual in the amount of $7,165.58; vehicle beingpurchased through statepurchase
program. AldermanKupferermade amotion to approve vehicle lease for police department for
2015Ford Interceptor at $25,988, payment of 16 quarterly payments of $1,814.45with payout after