City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 37

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past week. In2008/2009, arrangementsweremadewithMayor Saindon to repay, but tono avail.
Total balancedue is $4,944.60with $3,568.19 in penalties. Owner wantsCity to reduce bill. Metz
wants no lenience on this becauseowner has been given chances to repay andhasn't. The
2004/2005 lien onwater, sewer and garbage; 2006/2007 turnedoff sewer; 2011 turnedoff garbage.
Mayor Porter history: whenwater shut off in2004, at that timebasic rateswere charged. 2006
basic rateof sewer stopped. At that time, unable to takeoff garbagewithAllied. Now theCity is
able to remove garbage. Original bill is approximately $1,200, with the remainingbeingpenalties.
AldermanMetz to report back to her that bill stands as is.
Discuss and voteonpaintingof thewater tower. Strongheart location doingbowl and stem.
Lowest bid fromA&MCoat for $19,705 for bowl and stemwork only (no lettering). AldermanMetz
made amotion toapprove the$19,705 toA&MCoats to redobottom of bowl and stem ofWater
Tower locatednext toStrongheart. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton,
Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes.
AldermanSteele: Discuss and voteon sale of CommunityCenter. LettuceFish having
difficulty obtaining funding. CharlesNavarro interested inpurchasing for same pricewith his
establishedPorschemanufacturingbusiness. They have another business location inBradley,
which employs approximately 37 employees. Long termplan to stay inMomence. Office and
warehousing to be placed in this building. Most of business iswholesale. Time-frameof closingon
deal: waitingon approval fromCity, hopefully to close at the bank the next day. LettuceFish unable
to acquire total loan. Resolutionneeds tobepassed, fairmarket value $141,600. AldermanSteele
made amotion toapprove the sale of CommunityCenter with resolution#161 to sell theproperty to
CharlesNavarro.. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley,Metz,
Steele, Kupferer, Cook, LesynaandPuglise voting yes. Resolution#161.
AldermanCook: TreeBoard is holdingpresentationbyEmeraldAsh expert, Jeff Palmer, this
Thursday at 6PM, 29NDixie, gathering information to deal with pest (borer).
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteon amending city code for local banks for city accounts
AldermanLesynamade amotion topass anordinance amendingan ordinance concerningbank
depositories. AldermanKupferer seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele,
Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes. Ordinance #757.
Discuss and voteonSpecialAssessment. Updatinga 1979ordinance statingany public
improvement withing the city should bepaid for by special taxation, ordinancewill repeal this
paragraph. AldermanLesynamade amotion topass anordinanceamendingan ordinance
concerning special assessment in theCity ofMomence, Illinois. AldermanMetz seconded the
motionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, LesynaandPuglise voting yes.
Ordinance #758.
AldermanLesyna called anOrdinanceCommitteeMeeting forMonday,April 15, at 7PM to
discuss updating vehicle for saleand registration contractors.
Scott Behrends: AttorneyGeneral statesweneed to redohandicapped loading zonewhich
wewill possibly be losing5 parkingplaces downtown. Scott Behrends to confirmwith them how
many handicapped spots are required; 5 feet handicapped loading zone needed. Waiting for
weather to improve before beingable to re-stripe. Street sweeper is here, StandardEquipment
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