City of Momence 2013 Agendas and Minutes - page 32

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TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson - none. Mayor Porter, IML report: Stateworking on
pension, presenting possibility of reduction;Mayor was contacted stating aware of concern of reduction and
will keepa close eye on it.
Voteon appointment of Jill Lincoln andBettyDionne to theHistorical Board. TerrySpencer resigned
fromHistorical Board, theBoard is tohave 7members on it. One space to replace resigned person and one
individual toadd. AldermanStraleymadeamotion toapproveMayor Porter's appointment of Jill Lincolnand
BettyDionne to theHistorical Board. AldermanKupferer seconded themotion. Motion carriedwith 8Ayes
Audit Contract. Sikich, contractedwith them for 3 years. LouKarrisondidaudit on behalf of Sikich,
Mr. Karrison has retiredand set up his own company. Sikichhas offered the transfer of the contract toMr.
Karrison. Same terms, fee for serviceswill not exceed $10,575, to begin inAugust or September with final
reports issued andpreliminary drafts byNovember, 2013. AldermanCookmadeamotion toapprove
authorization to contract with LouKarrison to handle final year of audit contract. AldermanMetz seconded
themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes.
Alderman Lesynamadeamotion toenter intoClosedSession to discuss the release of the last 6
months of ExecutiveSessionminutes. AldermanDenton seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton,
Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes. Entered intoClosedSessionat
7:55PM. Returned fromClosedSession at 8:05PM.
AldermanDentonmadeamotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanMetz seconded themotionwith
AldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk
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