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ride. DJwill play from 1-3PM, with the event being over at 3PM. Theywill clean up. AldermanKupferer
made amotion toapprove amotor cycle bike ride/car show forMay 18 at East River Street Parking lot.
AldermanStraley seconded themotionwithAldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna
andPuglise voting yes.
AldermanStraley calledaBudget andFinance committeemeeting forApril 1, 7:15PM togoover bills.
AldermanMetz: Water andSewermeetingwas held tonight regarding tower painting, bid fromAM
coat for spot repair paint of bottom bowl and riser. Will have on agenda for next month.
AldermanKupferer: Residential request for handicap parking at 112S.Walnut requesting two spots.
Resident andmother arehandicapped. Thereare timeswhen it is not accessible toget inand out of drive.
Mothermight bemoving inwith her and is inneedof handicapped parking also. Can theCity do it with the
ordinance, are they able to designateareas for parking;AldermanLesyna to look into. Residential parking
spotmight by utilized better thana handicappedparking becauseof handicap requirements. To look into
further and bebrought back at next council meeting. AldermanKupferer scheduled a 6:45PMPolice
Committeemeeting todiscuss the displaying of downtown building numbers/addresses; Chief Buchanon to
be here todiscusswithCouncil.
AldermanLesyna: Discuss and voteon amendingCity code for local banks for City accounts. First
national Bank of Grant Park possiblymight be sold. Tableduntil nextmeeting.
Discuss and vote on residential parking at 37N. PineStreet. Parking is becoming aproblem for
residents at this address because of the increaseof business downtown. No access toan alley, only parking
directly in front of their home residence. Alderman Lesynamadeamotion topass an ordinance amending an
ordinance concerning residential parking at 37NorthPineStreet. AldermanStraley seconded themotionwith
AldermanDenton, Straley, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes. Ordinance# 756.
First reading onSpecialAssessments ordinance created in 1979, it states that any public
improvement of theCity shall be paid for inwhole or in part by special assessment or special taxation for any
work or public improvement. The completeparagraphwas discussed at last Ordinancemeeting and
consensuswas todelete this particular paragraph/section.
First reading on vehicles for sale. Chief Swansonwould like to seea potential change in language,
tabled until next Ordinancemeeting.
First reading on registration for Contractors. Mirroring an ordinance that theVillage of Bradley is using
which states contractors doingwork inCitywill need tobe licensedwithKankakeeCounty. Licensenumber
onceapprovedwill be fromKankakeeCounty. This insures that homeowners have licensedworkers.
Penalty provision, policewould cite them. Alderman Lesyna to check theparagraph regardinggeneral
Scott Behrends: Sweeper update, tobe delivered here to look at hopefully by the end of theweek.
Chief Swansonwill look into further the residenceparking issueat 112S.Walnut andwill report back
toCouncil with ideas.