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AldermanLesyna: Called aBudget andFinanceCommitteeMeeting forMay 6, at 7:15PM to
go over bills.
AldermanPuglise: Read aprepareddeparting statement notinghis appreciation for having
been apart of Momence'sCityCouncil over thepast four years.
JeannieBlanchette: Stated that theCity has received a check from the title company for liens
on property at 500East ThirdStreet in theamount $4,599.25.
TREASURERREPORT–Treasurer BeckyPeterson. Monthly statements not ready today; will
place in folderswhen theCity receives.
Approval of liquor licenses. All businesses listed have existing licenses: DixieWineand
Tobacco, RedCedar Lanes, CircleK, Off theVine, MomencePizzaCo., Berkot's, Sluggers,
Sammy's of Momence, TheDistillery, BordertownPub, Richard'sTap. Liquor license renewals to be
issued contingent upon passageof all background checks doneonmanagers of businesses.
AldermanKupferermade amotion toapprove all liquor licenses as statedabove contingent upon
passage of all background checks onmanagers of businesses. AldermanMetz seconded the
motionwithAldermanDenton, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes.
Notificationof Stateapproval regardingEnterpriseZone expansion. It has beenapproved and
certified, Citywill be receivinga copy. City hasmap of entire enterprise zone at CityHall andwill
placeonwebsite. Property tax abatement is included.
Response from IDOT regardingbanners/announcements/signs on state property (locatedat
the intersection of 1-17/GladiolusAvenue). State suggested that this space not beused. Blocking
river view for people inhouse locatedoneast side of Gladiolus. Property gets loadedwithall sorts
of signs beingaprime spot of notification. Mayor would like to findout howmuchof a nuisance this
has been, possible controllingmore. Mr. Schaefer's (IDOT) suggestionwas to look at southwest
corner north of CircleK by the first bridge to the south. Mainly used for nonprofit organizations.
City could possibly get a permanent sign for postingevents goingon in theCity. Mayor Porter
states closure is needed andwill speakwith resident. City is unable to approve placinganythingon
state property.
AldermanKupferermade amotion toadjourn themeeting. AldermanMetz seconded the
motionwithAldermanDenton, Metz, Steele, Kupferer, Cook, Lesyna andPuglise voting yes.
Meetingadjourned at 7:55P.M.
Respectfully submitted,
JeneneHenson, CityClerk