City of Momence - 2012 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 73

A. TheCorporateAuthorities of theCity hereby are authorized to aggregate in
accordancewith the terms of theAct residential and small commercial retail electrical
loads locatedwithin the corporate limits of theCity, and for that purposemay solicit bids
and enter into service agreements to facilitate for those loads the sale andpurchase of
electricity and related services and equipment.
B. TheCorporateAuthorities of theCity are granted the authority to exercise such
authority jointlywith any othermunicipality or county and, in combinationwith two or
moremunicipalities or counties,may initiate a process jointly to authorize aggregationby
amajority vote of eachparticularmunicipality or county as required by theAct.
C. TheAggregationProgram for theCity shall operate as an opt-out program for
residential and small commercial retail customers.
D. TheAggregationProgram shall be approved by amajorityof themembers of the
CorporateAuthority of theCity.
E. TheCorporateAuthorities of theCitywith the assistance from the Illinois Power
Agency shall develop a plan of operation and governance for theAggregationProgram
and shall conduct such public hearings and provide such public notice as required under
theAct. TheLoadAggregationPlan shall provide for universal access to all applicable
residential customers and equitable treatment of applicable residential customers, shall
describe demandmanagement and energy efficiency services to be provided to each class
of customers and shallmeet any requirements establishedby law concerning aggregated
service offered pursuant to theAct.
F. As an opt-out program, theCorporateAuthorities of theCity shall fully inform
residential and small commercial retail customers in advance that they have the right to
opt-out of theAggregationProgram. The disclosure and information provided to the
customers shall complywith the requirements of theAct.
G. The electric aggregation shall occur automatically for eachperson owning, occupying,
controlling, or using an electrical load center proposed to be aggregated in the corporate
limits of theCity, subject to a right toopt-out of the program as describedunder this
ordinance and theAct.
H. TheCorporateAuthorities herebygrant theMayor of theCity ofMomence,Mickey
C. Porter, or theKankakeeCountyBoardChairman (or his designee inwriting), the
specific authority to execute a power supply agreement with thewinning supplierwithout
further action by theCorporateAuthorities andwith the authority to bind theCity. The
power supply agreement will be identical to the contract thatKankakeeCounty enters
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