AppendixA --EducationProcess
TheProvider shall develop the educational program in conjunctionwith theCity. Its
purposewill be to explain theAggregationProgram to itsmembers, provide updates and
disclosures asmandatedbyState law and the rules and regulations of any applicable Illinois
andprovide the opportunity for theMembers toOpt-out of theAggregationProgram.
The following are components of the education program:
1. Each residential and small commercial retail customer ofComEdwithin the corporate limits of
theCitywill receive notification byU
Mail stating:what themunicipalAggregationProgram
means, the procedurewhichmust be followed toOpt-out of theAggregationProgram, the
estimated price of electricity forMember of theAggregationProgram, and the deadline for
returning theOpt-out form. See sample letter attached
2. TheProvider shall cooperatewith theCity to provide opportunities for educating residential
and small commercial retail CE customers in theCity about the Program and their rights under
the applicable law and rules and regulations
In addition, theProvider andCitywill cooperate to
provide education about opportunities for energy efficiencymeasures to helpMembers reduce
energy consumption.
TheProviderwill provide updates and disclosures to theCity andMembers asmandated by
State law and applicable rules and regulations as amended from time to time.