City of Momence - 2012 Ordinances and Resolutions - page 77

CityofMomence is providing you the opportunity to join other residents to savemoneyon the electricity you use.
Savings are possible through governmental aggregation, whereCityofficials bring together citizens to gain group
buying power for the purchase of electricity from a retail electric generation provider certified by thePublic Illinois
UtilitiesCommission. CityofMomence voters approved this program inNovember, 2012.
After researching competitive electricitypricing options for you, we have chosenMomence___________., to
provide youwith savings on your electric generation throughMay2012. There is no cost for enrollment and you
will not be charged a switching fee
You do not need todo anything toparticipate.
As amember of this aggregation
you are guaranteed to save____ percent off your Price toCompare
Your Price
toCompare is essentially the price you pay for electric generation from the utility and consists of generation and
transmission related components, which are the costs associatedwith generating the power and delivering it
through the transmission system.
To estimatewhat your savings per kilowatt-hour (KWH)will be through this program, locate your Price to
Compare on your electric bill. Divide your Price toCompare by100, thenmultiplyby0.0__ (____%) todetermine
your savings perKWH.Multiply that number by your totalmonthlyusage
The final number is howmuch you can
expect to save eachmonth you use the same amount of electricity
Youwill see your electric savings fromMomence_ after your enrollment has been completed and your sw
tch has
been final
zed - approximately 30 - 45 days
depending upon yourmeter read date
Of course
you are not obligated
to part
pate in theCity ofMomence
s electric governmental aggregation program
If youwish to be excluded
he program and remain a full-service customer of your local electric utility -CommonwealthEdison- you
have until ________
2012 to return the attached
If you do not opt out at this time, youwill receive
a notice at least every __________ asking if youwish to remain in the program
If you leave the program at any
other time, you could be subject to a cancellation fee fromMomence__ - and youmight not be served under the
same rates, terms and conditions that apply to other customers served byCommonwealthEdison.
After you become a participant in this governmental aggregation program, CommonwealthEdisonwill send you a
letter confirming your selection of __________ as your electric generation provider. As required by law
this letter
will informyou of your option to rescind your enrollmentwith ____________with adequate notice prior to the
scheduled switch
To remain in theCity
s governmental aggregation program
you don
t need to take any action
when this letter arrives.
ll continue tomaintain the system that delivers power to your home - no newpoles or
wireswill be built byMomence. Youwill continue to receive a single
easy-to-read bill fromyour local electric
th your ______________ charges included
The only thing you
ll notice is savings.
If you have anyquestions, please callMomence toll-free at __________
Monday throughFriday
8 a.m
to 5p.m. Please do not call theCityofMomencewith aggregation programquestions.
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